The Football Game

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I'm laying on my bed thinking about what happened earlier at Sarah's party. Favorite younger person? What does that mean? 

I feel like I should be happy that this happened because at least I know that he thinks about me... I think. I mean he had to have thought about me being his favorite younger person before because I know he didn't make it up as he said it.

I used to think that he thought nothing of me. That I was just "Darby's little sister."

At the same time, I'm sad about it. I'm his favorite younger person. Younger? Does he think of it as categories? People his age. People older than him. And younger people? I don't want to be classified.

I'm thinking about it to much. He probably doesn't even remember that it happened.

~2 days later~

I was invited to go to a football game with some friends. It's going to be at the high school that my sister goes to. Is it bad that one of the reasons that I'm going is because there is like a 20% chance that Lucas will be there?

I'm going with Riley (obliviously), Jake (sadly), Missy, and Dave.


I get out of the car and start walking to the football field.

If Lucas is here, then he'll probably just ask me when Darby is coming. I wouldn't be surprised though, he is her friend.

I pay for my ticket and walk in.

As I walk to the bleachers, of course the first person I see is Lucas. I smile. I try to walk in front of everyone, because I want him to see me.

We make eye contact and I wave. He smiles.

"Hey, Maya," he says.

"Oh, hi," I say as if I just noticed he's there.

"When is your sister getting here?"

How did I know that would be the first thing he would ask?

"Oh, Darby? She told me that she would be here later. She's out with Farkle right now," I say. Farkle is Darby's boyfriend. He is one year older than her, but my parents allow it because we have been friends with his family since before I can remember. 

"Ok." He says.

I walk to the bleachers where I see Missy, Riley, Dave and Jake. I sit down in between Riley and Jake.

"I'm back."

I don't even think they noticed I was gone.

"Anyone wanna play truth or dare?" Says Jake.

Everyone agrees to play.

"I'll start," says Missy.

"Ok," I say.

"Riley," she smirks, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," she says with a rebel kind of tone.

"Hmm," Missy thinks, "I dare you to walk up to that gate and tell one of the football players that he looks hot in his uniform."

Yeah our dares are never that bad. It's normally just something embarrassing.

"Ok," Riley says as she cracks her fingers.

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