Chapter 23

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Last Time....

"Wait what? Your in with the popular girls?" A heartbroken Mabel asked.

"Well yeah..." I mumbled shyly, nervous of why Mabel was sad.

Mabel walked away sighing, and Dipper explained how Mabel wanted to be in with them since 7th grade.

"Oh..." I covered my mouth.

"Hey," he said. "It's not your fault." He pulled my into a hug, kissing my forehead trying to make up down to my lips.

| Will you let him kiss you? |

He moved to my lips as I blushed. He kissed my lips, and it consistently thought of it as my first kiss, though it wasn't. Silly, right? Anyway, he kissed in and pulled me close into a long passionate kiss. Mabel walked past us, sniffling. It must have been 30 minutes, yes that long, as she whimpered.

"You didn't even do anything to get a spot as one of them! I worked my ass off and got nothing!" She cried out. "And all you do is kiss Y/N, Dipper. You like hated Pacifica!" She covered her mouth, but bolted to their room and slammed the door.

Dipper pulled away and sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N.."

"It's whatever." I sighed.

"I'll.." He said. "I'll go check on her."

I nodded as I sat down. I changed my clothing into a white button down shirt which had a pocket that had stated the location of the Eiffel Tower. I pulled on some ripped jeans, brushing my hair after.

Was Mabel really that mad at me?

I sighed and flipped out my phone. Pacifica and the girls might know what to do. I pulled up my messages and clicked on a group chat:

| Pacifica and two others... |

Pacifica named the group chat
"Slaying 💕😍💋"

Hey guys, I need some help. -me

What is it? -N.2

Yeah what happened? -Pacifica

So I got a friend upset because she worked hard to become in the group but she wasn't so now she's really sad. -me

Who is she?-N.3

We can ruin her for you. -N.2

Shut the fuck up guys. Idk just tell her to fucking suck it up or leave you alone. -Pacifica.

Okay -me

I shut off my phone.

I wouldn't do that to Mabel.

I peaked into the hall to see Dipper and Mabel talking.

"Listen Mabel, it's not her fault."

Foster Girl ★ ( Dipper x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now