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Ugh. I wish that I never fell for Baz. I knew he wasn't interested, but....ugh. I'm fixing up my makeup in the bathroom because this whole thing makes me so upset. I cannot believe that the two of the hottest guys I get to meet are dating each other. This just fucks me up so much. Ugh. I hate emotions. I walk out of the bathroom to finish my shelving. Our boss has so many new books he needs shelved. I hear him yelling on the phone at someone, which is unusual, but Im more focused on not messing up. I mess up at this all the time. Jason usually stands up for me, which is probably why I haven't been fired. Jason is kind of weird, to be honest. He's always translating something, and he even asks my help sometimes, but he always seems sad. I wonder if he's okay, but I don't really have time to help him much. We don't really talk. I leave the library once my shift is over, and run into Jason. Literally. Which hurts, since he's smoking. I wrinkle my nose. "You smoke?"
He turns. "Better than hooking up with my ex.
I smile, then stop myself. "See you tomorrow, then."
He throws his cigarette into the trash can next to him. "See you."
I drive away with a different guy on my mind.

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