You Have A Phone For A Reason

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"Jackson. You're back." Three words escaped my mouth that I never believed would come out. Well, I guess I was wrong. He opened his arms then stated, "Well here I am. I'm surprised you haven't murdered me yet. After I called you the Intern Slut, I-I don't know. It... Turned my stomach inside and out."

I cringed at the memory then replied sarcastically,"Yes, of course. How could I forget that dreadful day when my ex-boyfriend called me an intern slut? Oh right. I can't." He frowned and stated,"Look. I came here to redeem myself. I understand I hurt you-"

"Understatment of the year goes to Jackson Avery." I mumbled sassily before he continues to speak.

"And I really just wanted to say sorry."

I blinked a few times before I lost my temper,"You are unbelievable! You want to apologize? Great, start using your phone. You have one for a reason. Ugh, you are cold, and heartless, and only care for yourself! I hate you! I hate you, I hate you,I hate you!"

He took my verbal abuse with a calm exterior, as I screamed my head off at him,"I hate you! Go away, go die in a ho-"

He leaped to his feet and shoved me into the locker before smashing his lips into mine. I fought against his kiss as he muttered,"You talk way too much."

I slowly melted into his kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him further down. He chuckled and asked,"So you really want to have angry sex?"

"Shut up." I snarled, yanking his lab coat off. He pulled off my own coat then stripped me of my scrubs before flashing a devious grin.

After the Nitty Gritty:

"I still hate you." I declared as I pulled my hair back. He chuckled and replied,"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

"You never told me the real reason why you came back." He laughed then answered,"I owed someone a favor on a surgery. That Annie Connors chick, I'm helping on that surgery and I figured I might as well try and mend our relationship. Or, what's left of it."

"Its not like I cheated on you, Jackson. It was just some dumb kiss and I wasn't even the one who kissed him."

"It didn't look that way from my angle." he stated sassily. I yanked on my coat then snapped,"I don't have time for arguing. Bailey is probably looking for me."

No sooner did the words leave my mouth, my pager beeped, and I quickly glanced down to see where I was being drug to.

I looked up and said,"Look, I'll talk to you after my shift. We'll meet at that little coffee shop and chit chat. Sound good?" He nodded and I begun to walk away when he quickly pressed his lips to mine in a swift kiss before he murmured,"Have a great day saving lives, Dr. Parker."

I rushed out of the room and down the steps before I exited the stairwell, only to crash into someone.

"Oh, my bloody God, could I please stop crashing into people," a feminine voice demanded, with a British accent. I looked up as I rubbed my now aching head from where I collided with the stranger.

"So sorry, love. I was rushing to find my resident." she apologized swiftly, as she handed me my fallen files. I brushed it of and replied,"The same to you. Listen, I'd love to chat, but I gotta dash. See you around,I guess."

I cut the chat short and rushed off, glancing desperately for a solution( or better yet, an excuse) for why I was late to get to Bailey. Well, I find my answer pretty fast compared to other problem and solution cases.

I crashed yet again into another body, this one firmer and harder, more masculine. I groaned then flopped starshaped onto the floor hopelessly, before squinting up to see who I ran into.

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