Your hands were shaking; so much so that the task you were about to start seemed impossible. Not that you needed to take much care in it, but injury was a distinct possibility. Your surgery was coming up in a matter of days and you had yet to shave the hair from your head in preparation. It was bad enough that your nerves were worse than they had ever been, but now you had to deal with this. Your boyfriend Sam was the most supportive person you had ever met, constantly reassuring you that you would still be just as beautiful. He was so overly supportive, in fact, that sometimes you just wanted him to back off and let you get some time to yourself.
Just do it, already. It's inevitable, and if you don't do it, they will.
It's just hair.
Health is more important than hair.
I'm still beautiful.
Sam will still love me.
Your mind replayed all of the things you had heard over the past few weeks, your friends and family having said nearly every cliché and uplifting thing they could think of to make you feel better. It didn't matter though; they wouldn't really understand unless they had experienced it for themselves.
"Baby, let me help you."
"No, Sam. I need to do this myself." You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to force your hand to stop from shaking once and for all to no avail.
He moved in behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a soft kiss on your neck. "I know, I know, but I'm here, okay? I want to be here for you." Sam rested his chin on your shoulder and looked at your reflection in the mirror. "What can I do?"
"Get my damn hand to stop shaking, for one thing."
He kissed your neck one more time and straightened to stand behind you. He reached up and grabbed your hand, holding it as you held the razor. You could still feel the shaking deep within you, but he was able to at least keep your hand steady. Tears began to sting your eyes as you looked back at him in the reflection.
"Alright, let's do this," he said as he switched on the power. "Together."
A laugh escaped your lips despite the straight face he was maintaining. "You're seriously going to try to pep talk me with a line you stole from Cap? Oh, Sam, what would he say?"
"I would guess something like don't piss off the guy holding a razor to your head?"
"Fair enough."
Once you and Sam had finished, you couldn't bring yourself to leave your home at the training facility. It was hard to look at yourself, and when you did, all you could think of was how you looked before all of this happened to you. Your mind wouldn't adjust to this new appearance, and no matter how many times you were told, or how many times you tried to make yourself believe it, you didn't care that it was temporary.
"Honey, you're beautiful, believe me." Sam had set up a whole night out for the two of you, away from home, trying to get you to see that you were the only one who felt this way about your new appearance. "If you get out and have some fun, you might see that."
You reluctantly opened the door and slowly joined him. "I don't know if this is a good idea, Sam. Surgery is in two days. I should just stay here and relax while I can."
He stood to meet you, holding you at arms length so he could fully look at you. His voice was soft as he spoke, "I know this is hard. I do. I just want to help." You began to interject but he raised a hand to stop you. "I know, I know, you need to do this on your own. But, baby, you don't have to. You know I'm gonna love you no matter what, right?"
You lowered your eyes and nodded just slightly as a response.
"Wait. You do know that, don't you?" Sam was concerned now, realizing that he didn't see just how serious this was. "(Y/N), look at me right now." He lifted your chin so that you had to meet his eyes, "I'm in this for the long haul. Better or worse, sickness and health. You got that?"
"Sam, we're not married, you're an Avenger now, and you could have any woman you wanted. I wouldn't blame you at all."
"I want you, (Y/N). Don't you dare doubt that."
Two days later, you woke from surgery groggy and sore. The medications made you so tired that you could barely open your eyes, but you could just make out your boyfriend standing across the room, talking to your doctor. After a few minutes he turned to see that you were awake and rushed to your side.
"Hey, baby. How you feeling?"
"So tired."
Sam leaned down to kiss you, careful to not bump or move any of your bandages or monitors. "The team is outside. I'm gonna give them a quick update, I'll be right back."
You reached out and grabbed his hand before he could step away. "No, Sam. Stay with me, please. They can come in, it's okay." It was hard to keep your eyes open, but a visit from your friends sounded like just the thing you needed. You could always count on them to lift your spirits, especially Steve. He's the one who introduced you to Sam, and when the two of them were together it was like two little kids testing the limits of not getting in trouble.
"Ok, I'll let them in, but they might have a surprise for you. We were gonna wait, but I'll see if they're ready."
If you weren't so tired you would have shot out of the bed as you saw them enter your room. The men had shaved their heads to match yours; even Thor was showing off his new look. Nat had her hair in a high ponytail, showing her new shaved undercut that actually suited her really well. "You guys, what did you do?"
Steve walked up next to you and leaned in so you could reach him. "Feel it, (Y/N)! How cool is that?" He laughed as you rubbed his prickly scalp, "I might keep this forever! I think I look good, and it's so much easier to take care of, don't ya think?"
"Yes, I'm sure it is, Cap." You looked over to see Tony, standing at the end of your bed, looking less than happy with his new look. "Tony, were you bullied into this?"
His lower lip turned into a small pout as he spoke, "my helmet doesn't fit right now, and my beard just looks ridiculous."
Sam cleared his throat and turned to give Tony a stern look. They were supposed to keep this visit positive and supportive.
"No," Tony began as he pointed at you, "she is still as gorgeous as ever. I look like something you find under a bridge at night in the middle of nowhere."
"Aw, Tony. Come here." He pushed his hands deep into his pockets and sheepishly moved to stand next to you. You gestured for him to lean down, and you began slowly running your hand over his new short look. "It's just hair. You'll always be beautiful to me."

Imagine If You Assembled the Avengers: Volume 1
FanfictionWINNER: Marvel Fanfiction Awards 2016 Best Imagines/Preferences/One Shots A collection of reader insert ( x reader) imagines/one-shots/fics of the Avengers and a few other Marvel characters. FYI: The reader dies in a couple of them, and in my univ...