27. Mission ALMOST Accomplished

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Original Published Date: 05 December 2015



Deb couldn't keep her mouth shut even if her life depended on it. When only three of us were supposed to be leaving, five was the full number of us going. Grant and Balfer tagged along.

We jotted down the stairs and I ended up running into my father. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"Out." I answer quickly.

"Out where?"


I heard them laugh a little causing my father to growl. "Be back in thirty."

"Hour and a half."

"One hour."

"One hour, fifteen minutes."


We left and ended up going to some café. "Alright it took us five minutes to get here, and so everyone needs to think of a forty five minute plan to take down the three stuges."

"Or, one of the boys can go see if Timothy is in the bathroom and I can go beat the shit out of Eugene who's at the counter, this very minute." Debby said standing up.

As Deb walked, Calvin and Grant went to the bathroom, I looked at Balfer. "They don't need a third party. Plus it's more fun to listen to the enemy cry for mercy in pain." He smiled.

"I never really tried it." I looked around and saw witnesses. "Help me do a favor. We have to clear this place, so let's give them disgusting information."

We went around telling people anything foul. The one that made leave the quickest was, "the donuts they serve is made of hair grease" people left really quick. It only took ten minutes. Yes, the owners were mad and they threatened us to leave, well... until we threatened to eat them for dinner, and then they we're gone faster than the speed of light, yelling 'demons demons they're demons!!!'

We were perfect timing, too. Debra, in the time being, got Timothy pinned to the ground. Seconds later a little girl scream asounded from the men's bathroom.

I lay down on the floor and lay my head on my hands. "So. This is how this is going to work. You have two options.  Option one; tell me where Jonathon is and we kill you. Option two; make me find out where Jonathon is and I'll have your arms hanging from the roof of the dungeon, feeding you one slice of lettuce every two days and let each person part of my pack take a whip and whip ten times everyday." I give him one of precious smiles, and say in my innocent voice. "So what's it going to be?"

His eyes rolled to the backups of his head and he was knocked out.  I slam my hand on the floor. "He passed out." I look at Balfer. "Give me your shoe laces."

"W-what why?" He asks.

"I have to tie him up."

"What's wrong with yours or Debras-"

"Or we can just use the shoe laces on his shoes to tie him up." Debra said duh tone.

Just out of nowhere I hear laughter coming front the bathroom. "I'll be back." 

I burst right through the door. Grant immediately turned around and started rubbing the back of his neck. Calvin in the other hand was dumping Eugenes head in the toilet. "What the hell! What are you, fourteen, why are you giving him swirlies."

"It's fun." Calvin laughed.

I glared at him. "It's not fun time,  it's work time, now let's go. And you can carry toilet water head over you should." I smile at Calvin and as soon as I walk out the boys bathroom, I see my father.

"I thought you were going out?" He asks.

"We were, then we found them." I smile.

"And you didn't call me?"

"I didn't have to."

"Head home we'll handle this."

"I'm good. I'm not a little girl anymore. Just because you tell me to do something, doesn't mean I'm going to do it, daddy."

Calvin followed as my father still had that stupid look on his.

We have them and I going to get all the information I need. Even is it kills them.

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