thirty nine // constant hunger

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Two Years Later.

Rory smiled to herself as she watched Michael talk with Luke, Ashton and Calum; the four boys laughter echoing around the living room as Calum gently bounced Hailey on his knee. "He's so good with her," Rory commented as Bella watched her daughter and boyfriend with loving eyes.

"Michael seems to adore her." Bella laughed as they watched the purple haired boy make grabby hands at Hailey, her small hands copying his actions as Calum set her onto the floor with Michael. "Do you think he'll want kids soon?" Rory nodded and watched as her boyfriend played with the small girl, his smile never ceasing as he watched the baby laugh at his actions.

"I'm terrified," Rory admitted to Bella as she watched Michael hold the small girl in his arms, his eyes glowing as her tiny hand brushed across his cheek. Bella leant her head on Rory's shoulder and sighed. "It's worth the fear, worth the pain and the constant hunger. I can't imagine how I would be now without them, especially Calum."

The dark haired girl sighed, "It's the greatest feeling, knowing that there is a person who will love you from the second they're born until the second you die. Knowing that when Hailey cries at three am, that Calum and I are the ones she cries for, it changes your perspective on everything." Rory nodded and quietly thanked Bella before walking to Michael and sitting next to him on the floor, Hailey still climbing on him as he grinned at her.

"She seems to really like you," Rory pointed out with a smile as she leant her head against his shoulder. "I hope she does because I definitely like her!" Michael laughed as Hailey climbed over onto Rory's lap, her small hands clasping onto Rory as she set herself into Rory's lap. "Someone's a little tired," Calum cooed as Hailey's eyes began to droop.

"I'll take her upstairs." Rory rushed out before Bella could say anything. Calum and Bella both nodded as Rory cradled Hailey in her arms, the small girl miles away in her dreams as Rory clutched her small body to her chest. Michael shrugged as Luke asked why Rory acted so suddenly and followed her up the stairs.

Michael leant against the door frame as he reached Hailey's nursery. He smiled softly as he watched Rory rock Hailey back and forth slowly in her arms, small words murmured as she did.

Michael moved from the door frame and walked into the room, wrapping his arms around Rory's waist from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder, making her jump slightly.

"Michael! Don't do that while I'm holding the baby!" Rory yelled in a whisper as Michael quietly giggled, admiring his girlfriends protective nature. "Imagine if that was our little girl," Michael whispered as he watched Hailey from over Rory's shoulder.

Rory leant back into Michaels chest and let out a quiet sigh. "She'd be so beautiful, Rory. She'd have your eyes and my nose, your beautiful smile and my stupid sense of humour, she would be so perfect, Princess." Rory bit down on her lip, tears slowly trailing down her cheeks as she walked out of Michaels hold and put Hailey into her crib.

"I'm so scared," Rory admitted as she turned back around to face Michael. The tall boy nodded in agreement and opened his arms, Rory buried her face into Michaels chest. Michael wrapped one arm around her waist as the other gently held Rory's head to his chest. "I know you're scared, it's only natural, baby. You lost a baby a little over two years ago, it's okay to be scared and worried."

Michael held Rory tighter to his chest as he felt her body tremble, "I don't want to lose another baby." Rory cried into Michaels chest. Michael choked on his words as his girlfriend fell apart in his arms. "Rory, how long have I known you?" Michael whispered as Rory clung into his body. "Three years, nearly four." Rory sniffed.

Michael sighed to himself and moved so that Rory was at arms length from him. "You know I love you, right?" Michael asked quietly as he looked at Rory.

The small girl nodded, "More than anything and anyone." She giggled lightly, reciting Michaels signature line. Michael grinned and nodded, "Then you know that I would never, push you to do something that you're not ready to do or comfortable with." Rory whimpered as she jumped onto Michael, her arms around his neck as her legs went around his waist.

Michael closed his eyes and held Rory as tight as he could. He buried his face into her shoulder as they both let tears fall down their cheeks in silence. "I love you, I love you, I love you." Rory cried quietly into Michaels neck as the couple clung onto each other. Michael kissed Rory's shoulder, "More anything and anyone."


Once Rory and Michael had composed themselves, they left Hailey's nursery with smiles on their faces and their fingers laced together. "Did she go down okay?" Calum asked as he wrapped an arm around Bella's waist. Rory nodded and smiled fondly at the couple as she watched them.

Their love for each other radiated off of their bodies, it was overwhelming for Calum to have a girl who loved every inch of his body and every moment of his existence.

Michael lightly squeezed Rory's hand, "We should probably head home," Rory nodded and agreement, letting go of Michaels hand and walking to Bella to give her a hug.

"I heard you and Michael talking, don't worry about anything with him, he'll stay with you until the earth burns out." Bella whispered to Rory as the hugged. Rory quietly thanked Bella for being a good friend before walking to Calum and hugging him.

"We'll see you in a couple of weeks, okay?" Calum whispered as he squeezed Rory lightly. Rory laughed breathlessly and nodded, "Look after your girls," Calum let go of Rory and saluted her before laughing.

"I've known you for six years and you're still a dork." Rory smiled as Calum nudged his hip against hers. "But that's why we're such good friends!" He grinned as Rory smiled once again before walking back over to Michael.

Michael wrapped his arm around Rory's waist as Calum and Michael gave each other a 'bro-hug', (as Michael called it) and watched in awe as her life worked around her, everything was finally falling into place.

And Rory couldn't have been happier.

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