Chapter Three

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Alfred brought you and Johnathan on a tour, and you met everyone, since no one was out on a scout or supply hunting. You liked everyone, and so did Johnathan. Tina was sweet and good with kids. Peter was young and energetic. He also seemed to hate his brother, Arthur. You learned that Arthur was a terrible cook and wasn't allowed in the kitchen. Berwald, Ivan and Ludwig were rather intimidating, but Ludwig's older brother, Gilbert, was a partying guy that hung out with Alfred's brother, Matthew, and a guy named Francis. Matthew was quiet and sweet and Francis was... Well, they told you he was just being 'Francis.' Ivan's younger sister, Natalya scared you, but his older sister, Katyusha, was kind and gentle. You really liked Elizabeta, but she was rather frightening when talking about Gilbert. Chun Yan also working in the kitchen, but was a skilled martial artist. She was petit, but smart, and seemed to have the slightest of crushes on Ivan. Her younger brother, Kiku, was also smart and skilled in martial arts, but he had a katana strapped to his side and was quieter and enjoyed his personal space.

Everyone was enjoyable. After you lay Johnathan down for his afternoon nap, you took a walk around the community. You wandered into the smallest greenhouse, and giggled. There was spices once you walk in; parsley, basil, etc... But the one thing that stood out to you was that a whole two-thirds of the greenhouse was taken over by tomato plants. All sorts of tomato's.

"This is my sister's personal greenhouse." You heard a soft voice from behind you. You turned and smiled at Feliciana.

You tilted your head. "Your sister? I don't think I met her. Alfred said I met everyone?"

The Italian smiled and walked over to a tomato plant. She picked a few and put them in her basket. "Mio sorella has been missing for several months, along with her husband; Antonio. Lovina loves tomato's. She has as long as I-a can remember. She and Antonio went out for a scout, and they didn't come back. We searched for them, and only found the car they took. It had run out of gas, so they took their bags and ran. That's what we're assuming. They're probably lost. Lovina and Antonio wouldn't allow themselves to be taken by this. They're too strong." Feliciana had a wavering smile on her face. You attempted to smile back.

"My sister is missing, to... Do you need any help?" You asked as you picked a ripe tomato. You didn't want to linger on a subject that would upset both you and Feliciana.

Feliciana grinned. "No, but-a thank you! I will certainly tell you if I need help!" Once her basket was full, the Italian skipped off back to her house.


"Morning, Berwald!" You chirped, adjusting the strap of the rifle on your back as you approached the gate.

Berwald grunted his usual greeting as he stared over the wall.

You were excited, even though you knew what it was like out there. This was your first scout since you got here two weeks ago, and you knew your brother was safe. You didn't have to worry about a random Roamer breaking in the house and eating Johnathan. You could go without a worry.

"You're early, (Name)." A German stated as he stepped beside you, fully armed in ammo.

You nodded as you snickered. "Yup. Early bird gets the worm, as they say. But, do you think you have enough ammo, Ludwig?"

He rolled his eyes at you, but didn't answer otherwise. Alfred jogged up, pistols stashed in holsters and daggers in their sheaths and his boots.

"Ready, sir German!" Alfred gave Ludwig a wink and salute, causing the German to roll his eyes again.

"Open the gate, Arthur!" Gilbert shouted from his post on top of the wall.

You bounced on the balls of your feet as the Brit opened the gate. Before either men going with you could blink, you took off. You heard Alfred laugh, but Ludwig yelled your name. They quickly caught up to you, but kept running beside you instead off stopping you. You skidded to a halt and turned. You whistled at the large, military-looking truck tucked between two semi's and hidden under a tarp. Ludwig climbed into the driver's seat and turned the engine.

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