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"What's your confession?" I asked Demi as I licked my lips.

"This wasn't the first time I've seen you cry. I've seen you cry before." She replied then sat back on the couch, keeping her gaze on me.

My brow furrowed as I let out a chuckle. "What? What are you talking about? When was this?"

Demi pressed her lips together, watching me for a moment, looking as if she was debating on whether to tell me what she was talking about. "It was back in junior high, in eighth grade & we went on a field trip to some museum, I think. Your grandmother had signed up as a chaperone, but then she... " Demi stopped & I nodded, knowing she was speaking about when my grandmother passed away, suddenly. "Anyway, your mom stepped in & was one of our chaperones. I heard what happened from a few people in our class. She screamed at you in front of almost our whole class & then I heard she slapped you. After that, she pulled you into a bathroom & yelled at you & told you never to embarrass her again. She stormed out of the bathroom & you started crying... pretty hard in fact. I was in one of the stalls & I was watching through the crack in between the doors. I saw your face in the mirror & I heard you sobbing. I wanted to go to you so, badly & hug you, but I didn't want you to be mortified that I had seen you crying. I knew you were still upset about your grandma & then your mom screaming at you... She said some pretty nasty things to you & it broke my heart." Demi's voice cracked & she looked away, quickly as I stared at her.

I had no idea Demi had been in that bathroom all those years ago, witnessing one of the most humiliating moments of my life. I leaned on my knees & looked down at the floor, as I took in a deep breath. "Wow. And you never told anyone?" I looked up at her & she wrinkled her forehead, like I was insane.

"No, I never told anyone. I would never tell anyone about that, because I knew how bad it hurt you. How humiliated you were."

"Thank you, Demi." I said, in a quiet voice. "And I don't just mean for not telling anyone, but thank you for being the best friend a guy could ever ask for. Thanks for being the one person, in this world, that I know I can trust."

Demi flashed a cheesy grin, nudging me with her fingers. "You're welcome & right back at ya." As Demi kept smiling at me, I fought the urge to kiss her. Her phone ringing, brought me back to reality, especially when her face lit up seeing that Joe was the one calling her. She walked into her bedroom & I felt antsy. I poured myself some more vodka & gulped it down before I stood up. I decided to get some air, since I was feeling warm from my alcohol buzz. I filled up my cup, once more, then headed outside.

I went to the front of the house & stood on the small porch. I looked around, taking in the things around me. All of these things, I took for granted before I went to Iraq, I cherished, now. Sidewalks. Trees. Grass. Birds. For a few years, I didn't see any of this, except in pictures. A light breeze made the leaves rustle & brought a scent of the neighbor's cookout to my nostrils. As I inhaled through my nose, I was surprised when I smelled something sweet, like vanilla. I looked around & saw the source of the new scent. Lexi was standing nearby, talking on her phone. She hadn't noticed I was standing there, yet, so I waited, in silence. I sipped at the vodka, suddenly aware of how buzzed I was.

Lexi turned suddenly & saw me, then a big smile took over her face. She really was gorgeous, even if her smile didn't hold a candle to Demi's, she still made me twitch below my waist. Her gorgeous green eyes were mesmerizing as she watched me, while finishing up her phone call. I could get lost in those eyes & I felt like I was heading in that direction. I sipped on my drink as I watched her over the cup, my lips forming a smile once in awhile. Finally, Lexi pulled her phone down & I knew her conversation was over. "No one is usually out here." She commented, walking toward me.

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