Eight (Revised)

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Isaac was sitting with his neighbor, gazing out the window head on at a black 2005 Honda Accord. It was the same one that had terrorized him in his dreams, coming back to real life and killing Lucy, as well as trying to kill him. He sat as still as he could, and the car's engines roared violently, rushing towards him. He lunged to the side just as the car crashed through the window, shattering the glass. Its engines roared as it started up again, turning. Isaac once again went to the side, reaching into his pocket and calling 911. He did his best to avoid the car with his neighbor as he waited for the police to arrive. 

A short amount of time later, two police cars showed up and sped towards the Honda, which went in the other direction. It avoided the other vehicles as it went down the road, and they followed suit, beginning a chase. Isaac couldn't see it because he was still recovering from the whole incident, but he immediately threw up in the middle of the cul-de-sack. He went back to his house, and he entered it and passed out on the couch, exhausted and not feeling well. 

A few hours later his parents walked through the front door, unaware of what had happened until they saw the broken glass. They rushed toward Isaac, who was still unconscious, and they jolted him awake. They had had a great night, but the sight of broken glass made them disheveled, and they agreed to always stay home with him whenever he was sick. They asked him what happened, and their question was met with the truth, starting from whenever the car crashed through the window. They turned on the T.V and checked the news, seeing that there was a high-speed chase earlier in the day, which had resulted in the car getting away.

The car got away.

It was still out there.

Isaac shifted in his seat nervously, knowing that he would be attacked again. He wished he knew the driver, but he had no idea who it was. He didn't even have any suspects. Who could it be? He thought, staring at the broken window. He had been unsure of his safety, but now he knew that something had to be done, and fast. He was being actively attacked, and this was a war. broken window. 

The next day he rode to school with his parents, as they had agreed to ride with him, and he saw that they were doing repairs on it. Class was still in session, though, so he used the detour that had been laid out. Whenever he got to his locker he hugged his mom and dad goodbye, which was met with ridicule from some students. After everything that had happened and was going to happen, petty things like slightly losing popularity didn't bother him anymore. Besides, he still had his best friends, Derek, Max, and Lucy.

Or just Derek and Max.

Isaac shrugged it off as he headed to class, hoping for a good day. In language arts, he talked with Andre about the incident, who seemed disheveled. He said that things were starting to heat up, and he was met with concern, but still no new information. He decided that the best thing to do was to analyze the dreams for any clues.

That night, he looked up at his ceiling like he always did. He was content with not having a nightmare to endure that night, but he knew the next day he would have to deal with it. He decided to just go to sleep, although he didn't. He could only think about Lucy the whole time.

The next day was pretty uneventful. He got up to the usual smell of his parents making crepes, had a wonderful breakfast, watched T.V, and was driven to school. There, he only made small talk with Andre, and he did his best to act, and feel, normal. He arrived home shortly after, watching more television with his family. Finally, after eating dinner and doing his homework, it was time to head off to bed.

Isaac knew that he would have a dream, so he did his best just to fall asleep and get it over with. All of a sudden, he was surrounded by a dense fog. He put his hand in front of his face and didn't see a thing, so he just stood still, unsure of what was to come. The fog cleared just a small amount, and he looked off into the distance to see a large pyramid-like figure, holding a very familiar person in his grasp.

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