February 1
11:35 pmDear Diary,
Well, it's official. We're not coming back to Long Island anymore prior to me enrolling on a new school––Central Park East High School. But it's alright with me, I guess. I can clearly see that my mom's enjoying this neighborhood. Like I said, this place gives her the nostalgia when dad was still alive. And I can't blame her. When I walked home from school this afternoon, I felt nostalgic too.
But anyways, today's also my FIRST DAY AT A NEW SCHOOL!
Okay, I have to admit. I wasn't really that thrilled to go to school earlier this morning. I mean, it's that I'm too lazy. It's just that, I still don't know what the people are like in CPEHS. I'm not quite comfortable about it yet. And no, it's not that I'm bothered about trying to "fit in". I don't even give a damn about it. I mean, come on! Who cares what people think about you when they themselves don't really know who they are? So pathetic.
Oh, right. That's high school.
This morning, my mom drove me to school. Such a bother she didn't let me drive my black cooper to school. Although, when I was rushing my way to Physics class, I bumped into this guy. And guess what, I accidentally kissed him on his cheek! So embarrassing! And to make it worse, he's also at my Physics class––so does in French, English, our elective and pretty much all my classes except Literature. Ms. Sanders scolded me for being late but didn't bother doing the same to him. Him being Mr. Andrew Russell Garfield. It took me like the whole Physics period just to get him to tell me his full name. Which reminds me. I still need to tease him about his second name :) Hey, it's not that I'm desperate for him just because he's hot and all––
Wait a minute. Did I just say that?! OHMYGOSH I can't believe I just wrote that! Ugh.
Let's move on please so that I can somehow forget that.
As I was saying, I just wanted to know his name because it seemed unfair that he immediately knew my full name even without me knowing that he knows. Makes sense? Oh, and how unfair is it that he works for the OSW so he can pretty much take a quick sneak peek at my student files. Ohmygosh I need to threaten him about doing that tomorrow. Anyways, Andrew also has good-looking friends––okay, let's admit it––just like him. But it's only him and another one of his friends that caught my eye. His friend being Jake Mason. Ohmygosh I had an instant crush on him! I even got some juicy stories about him from Andrew. Turns out she embarrassingly turned down this blond girl name Candy. Meaning, he isn't an easy catch. So hot!
Him, Andrew and I all had the same last class. And before I went to leave the room, Andrew gave me his number to text him when I got home. How sweet, right? So of course, when I got home, I pulled out my phone and looked for his number. When I finally found it, I laughed because it's the first time that I read his second name Russell :D Again, tease him about it tomorrow. Anyways, so I texted him that I got home and we pretty much didn't stop texting until we both fell asleep.
Of course, I've managed to write this in-between those times. And that's how my day has been. A bit different from my expectations. But it's a good difference.
Emma ♥
Quote of the Day:
"Percy, let me go," Annabeth croaked. "You can't pull me up."
His face was white with effort. She could see in his eyes that he knew it was hopeless.
"Never," Percy said. He tightened his grip on Annabeth's wrist. His face was gaunt, scraped and bloody, but when he locked eyes with her, she thought he had never looked more handsome.
"We're staying together," he promised. "You're not getting away from me. Never again."
"As long as we're together," she said.
-Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase on The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
Oblivious To The Signs
FanfictionThe perfect man? Or the man that makes you feel perfect? Emma Stone's way of choosing her man has been guided and based upon her list of desirable traits her future boyfriend should possess. After experiencing break-ups and screwed up relationships...