Chapter X | Karaoke Night Competition

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(B/f/fc)- Best Friend's Favorite Color

The stars were twinkling as the chilly air brushed lightly on your skin. You remembered about Carlos's jacket, so you brought it to return it to him. The park was decorated beautifully. The bleachers were lined up for the audience. There was a sturdy make-shift stage, lined with beautiful lights. They apparently change colors to match the theme of the song. The judges were in their position, with their cards ready, each had a set of 1-10. 1 being really bad-Isle bad, and 10 being really good.

Students were sitting at the bleachers, getting a snack at the refreshment table, or chatting with friends. The competitors headed backstage, that's where you were going. You and Lonnie headed backstage. Chad was handing out slips of paper with numbers on them, they told you when your turn was.

Lonnie was wearing a beautiful Asian dress with a modern tweek. It was a perfect blend of blue and red, looking as if fire and water finally got along and created a masterpiece. "What's our number?" you asked Lonnie.

"Three," she said. You turned around and saw who was performing behind you: Jane. She was grinning ear-to-ear. Something was up. Knowing Jane, she should have been nervous before the performance. Jane was wearing a strap-less dress that went to the knees. It was midnight black with dark purple patterns and silver stars splattered all over it. You had a feeling that Fairy Godmother did NOT approve this outfit. Everything Jane always wore covered her shoulders and her chest.

"Hello, (y/n)," she said, almost too sweetly. Stop it, you chided yourself. I shouldn't hate Jane or think she is up to something just because she likes Carlos too. Besides, he has a choice. If he likes Jane, and I truly love him, then I should be happy for him, right? Not that he likes Jane, the evil part of you said. He obviously liked you. But your gut told you that something was up. You couldn't quite think of it yet, but you were sure the answer was there.

"WELCOME TO THE KARAOKE NIGHT COMPETITION!" You heard Fairy Godmother announce. "Tonight, many talented students will sing a song and the judges: Queen Belle, King Beast, Professor Camilia, and myself will score the winners. Let me explain the scoring system: Each judge gets to give the contestant a number, one though ten. A one is really bad, as in it-will-be-sent-to-the-Isle type of bad. A two is very bad, probably being expelled type of bad. A three is in the middle of all the badness. A four is bad. A five is okay. A six is good. A seven is in the middle of the goodness. An eight is very good. A nine is great. A ten is PERFECTION! Remember, all the students tried their best, by may the best win!" The students cheered. You could tell they were bored with the long explaining and wanted to get to the show.

Evie and Doug went first. They came to the conclusion that Doug would play music and Evie would sing. You wondered if that was even allowed. Doug played the trumpet, Evie sang Rotten to the Core. Next up was some guy singing a duet with Jordan, the daughter of Genie. They sung I Can Show You the World. You and Lonnie went next, you aced the song. Next was Jane's turn. She strutted out onto the stage. Fairy Godmother was obviously shocked by how she dressed. Perhaps she didn't even see Jane in that outfit before her performance. Jane's singing was not perfect. It wasn't bad, but wasn't good either. Even though all the judges gave her fives (except Fairy Godmother, who gave her a three), Jane still seemed elated. There was really something going on.

The performances went on in the same routine. People came, you half-heartedly listened. Jane was on your mind, and you couldn't get her off. Until performance nineteen. Audrey and (B/f/n) came on the stage. The lights flashed pink and (b/f/fc). They both had sparkly microphones in their hands. (Song is attached)

Audrey sang:

"Tears you try so hard to hide,
You hold it all inside,
Pretend it doesn't matter,"

(B/f/n) continued:

"Why you keep it to yourself,
When you got someone else,
You know can make it better,"

Both of them sang:

"You try to be so strong,
But I always know when something's wrong
See you when your feeling down,"

You started to tear up, you couldn't help it. How could (b/f/n) be singing this with Audrey! She and you used to be the best of friends! You knew each other inside and out. You felt like a piece of your heart was taken out and repeatedly stabbed with a fork.

"Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever,

(B/f/n) sang:

"Words, that you don't need to say,
The sad that's on your face,
Isn't hard to see through,"

Really? you thought bitterly, biting your lip to stop crying. Jane saw you tearing, and you didn't want her to again.

Audrey continued:

"I've been there once or twice,
It's you that made things right,
My turn to be there for you,"

They sang together, you could barely hold it in:

"You try to be so strong,
But I always know when something's wrong
See you when your feeling down,

Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever,

When the rain comes down (I'll be there),
I will always be around,
Just wanna be the one to catch you when you fall,

Hey, wasn't it you who'd always be there for me?,
Don't forget what we've been through together,
Hey, isn't it true,
We promised to always be best friends forever."

The audience clapped. The judges gave their scores. "And that song was 'Best Friends Forever' by KSM," Fairy Godmother announced. She climbed back on stage. "That performance concludes our Karaoke Night Competition. We judges have tallied up our scores, and the winner is-"

Carlos jumped onto the stage and grabbed the microphone out of Fairy Godmother's hand. What was he doing? You head was spinning. Your gut was screaming, STOP IT! RUN! DO SOMETHING!!!

"Um, I have something important to say," Carlos said, shyly. "Jane, will you be my girlfriend?" The crowd was silent.

What? Your heart was beating a thousand miles per second. Did you hear correctly? Jane?

"Yes!" Jane squealed. She ran up the stage and jumped into Carlos's arms. He spun her around.

That explained the elated face, but how? How was this possible? Did the night under the stars mean nothing to Carlos? Then, it all made sense.

The night of the fire.

The questions about Ben.

The spell book.

The cookies.

It all made sense. If you were right, Jane stole Mal's spell book. If you were right, she made a spell. If you were right, Carlos was under a love spell. You had to break him out of it. You had to do it before anything else happens. Before he asks Jane to Professor Camilia's party. Before you break down into a puddle of tears. But you weren't a cry baby. You were strong, your parents raised you that way. You were going to survive this. You were going to break that spell. You left before Fairy Godmother could announced the winners.

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