Chapter 16.

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I loved him.

No,Correction. I still loved him.

Maya's POV-

The first thing that came into my head when I woke up was Texas ,That was where Lucas was going in an hour or so.

It was no use begging for him to stay anymore ,It was definite that he was moving.

I hated him for leaving ,Leaving me.

But I loved him all the same ,I hated him for leaving ,But I still loved him.

I hated love, It's ridiculous, And always will be.

My mother had always told me when I was younger that real love only ever happened in fairytale's.
I guess she was right with that point ,I thought me and Lucas would stay friends forever but I guessed wrong.

Real friendships & Real love can be very hard to come by,With Lucas he had showed me both,Yet both were going to be taken away from me in an hour or so.

Everything was happening so soon.

But I couldn't keep him from going to Texas.

Afterall ,There was going to opportunities for a guy so magnificent.

But I hoped I would be able to meet up with him,Or even see him again one day.
I wasn't usually one for hope,But in this case I was willing to hope.

"Lucas?" I said calling his name.

Lucas looked up from packing his last bag. "Yes,Maya?"

For a moment I was speechless ,I didn't know how or what to say to him.
I mean,what do you say to your best friend that's leaving? "I....I ... Uh..."

"Maya?" He frowned at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing.." I replied back to him. "Well,No.It's not nothing,It's just I'm still upset about you leaving me."

"Listen. I'm upset about leaving too,But you can still visit me whenever you want." Said Lucas ,He tried forcing a smile onto his face.

"How?" I sighed at him. "What about the cost?I can't afford it,Lucas."

"My family ,Up in Texas ,Can pay the fair for you." Lucas gently smiled. "You've met my family before ,You know how much they adore you,Right?"

"Are you sure your family up there can afford the cost?" I asked,Biting my lip.

"Yes.I'm sure." Said Lucas firmly,As he stared straight at me.
He gave me one of those looks as if to say 'We'll figure something out,You can trust me Maya.We can still visit each other,And we can still be..whatever we are now.'

"Alright then." I nodded slowly in reply.

"I'm glad we've come to an agreement then." Lucas said,Not looking me in the eye.

"As am I-" I said,As I soon got interrupted

"Lucas,Honey." His mother said walking into the room. "You'll be getting picked up soon so you can go to Texas."
His mother then soon glanced at me. "Have you said your goodbye to Maya?"

Lucas frowned to himself. "I have...,But I wish I didn't have to say goodbye."

"I wish you didn't either, sweetie." Ms Friar sighed. "I always imagined you staying here in,New York,Then when you get older marrying Maya or someo-"

"Mum!" Said Lucas,His cheeks flushing bright red.

"What?" Said his mother laughing. "Everyone's always thought it,But never said it."

"Really?" Said Lucas looking confused.

Deep down inside of me a part of me wanted to hope that people had thought this,Besides, I had liked him for an awful time now.

"Yes!" Said Lucas's mother,Smiling at her son. "Even Maya's mom thought so an-"

"Wait.My mother thought so too?" I said,I hadn't known my mother thought like that ,She never mentioned anything about me and Lucas like that before...
But I guess that's just parents keeping things to themselves, As per usual.
Nothing different there.

Mrs Friar laughed once again. "Of course she did,Dear."
"Weren't you listening? I said everyone thought so,Didn't I?"
"We all thought you to would be a couple around about now,Or at least would have kissed,But I guess we were wrong."

Me and Lucas quickly glanced at each other. We had kissed,But we still hadn't told anyone.
Was it a friendly kiss?A goodbye kiss?Or a i-want-to-be-more-then-friends-kiss?

I hadn't a clue one single bit,And I'm guessing Lucas didn't either himself.

"Mum!" Lucas said. "Anyway,can you leave me and Maya to speak alone?We can speak in ten minutes, Since I'll be leaving in twenty,Won't I?"

"Yes,You will." Lucas's mother sighed to herself. "I'll be in the room next door if either of you need me,Okay?"

"Yes,Ms Friar." I nodded.

Lucas nodded,But did a hand gesture to get her out of the room.

"So...." Said Lucas,His voice having a nervous touch to it.

"Do we need to talk..?" I replied back to him.

"About what?" He said,Clearly 'Acting' oblivious.

"About the ....kiss." For some bizarre reason it took me a while to say kiss,I guess it was Since I had always been scared that if this was to happen he would no longer want to be friends with me.
He was the only proper friend I had/have.

"Ah." Lucas said slowly. "The kiss....,What about it?"

I scowled at him. " 'what about it?' God Friar, You know what I mean.Did you enjoy the kiss or what?" I said,trying to get to the point.

"I uh..."


Here's a new update.

I wasn't really sure on what to write so this happened....,But I'll try make the next chapter more interesting.
As to me I feel as if I've slightly rushed it,So I do apologizeeeeee for that. :P

Buuuuuuut,Updates will be fastest on weekends and Fridays,Or even weekdays depending on how I'm feeling.

Also,Thank you for 250 followers.^^


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