Chapter 1

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Snow drifted across the moor, filling the rabbit-holes and coating the leaves with thick white powder. Marshpaw shivered and rested his head in between his paws. The night sky soared above his head, blocked out by the thick brambles and gorse of the nursery. Beside him, the faint white glow of Brindleface's pelt shifted and the tabby queen mewed in her sleep before falling still again.

The faint smell of milk still clung to the nursery, comforting Marshpaw and reminding him of when him and his littermates were kits. Featherflight's tail was curled over his back, sheltering him from the cold. With his ears pricked, Marshpaw listened to Stormkit's breathing and was relieved to hear the small grey tabbys breathing was back to normal.

Whitecough had broken out in the BreezeClan camp and Marshpaw had made it his duty to sleep in the nursery. Not only was he away from the sick cats in the medicine den, but he could keep an eye on the kits and queens during the freezing nights. A small withered clump of tansy leaves lay at his paws, the frail leaves wilted and dull.

A paw shot out and he felt Redkit stir. The pale ginger she cat kicked out again, mewling pitifully and rolling onto her back. Marshpaw heard her squeak, "Badger!" Before she went silent again. Forcing down a purr of amusement, he looked at the tiny she cat as she fought a huge badger in her dreams. Slashing at the great black beast as a fully grown warrior, defending her Clan.

Redkit thrashed again, her forepaw darting up and catching her brother's ear. Stormkit hissed and sprang up, his fur stuck out and his tail lashing.
"Marshpaw!" He whined. "She kicked me!"
"Move over a bit and go back to sleep." His ear twitched with annoyance as Stormkit grumbled and pounced over to Sootkit. The grey tabby curled up again, flattening his ears against his head to block out the sounds of his sister's imaginary battles.

Silence fell over the nursery and Marshpaw let his mind drift. Redkit would be a formidable warrior, she had her mother's sleek body and nimble paws while she had her fathers spirit. Marshpaw could imagine her as deputy, maybe even leader of BreezeClan one day or a mother of kits, carrying on her bloodline through her precious kits. The tiny she cat's paws shot out again, nudging Marshpaw's flank.

"I can't sleep!" Stormkit wailed in anger.
Great StarClan, please make these kits shut up!
Marshpaw nodded in agreement and murmured a prayer to StarClan to end the she cats battle.
"Maybe we should go outside, I could teach you how to spring at birds." He suggested. His mind ran over the simple crouch and leap, wondering if it would keep the kit busy until his sister quietened down.

"Your a medicine cat! They can't hunt!" But Stormkit knew better, he would rather be taught hunting moves they stay in the nursery with his sister kicking at him. With a grunt, Marshpaw hauled himself to his paws and Stormkit darted out the nursery like a rabbit out a hole. The medicine cat cast a quick glance back at the cats, sniffing the air for any trances of illness.

Thankfully, there was none, only the sweet scent of milk and the wilted herbs. Marshpaw trotted out and winced as the cold wind bit at his fur. His ears flattened against his head and he went over to were Stormkit was crouched underneath a rocky overhang. Sheltered by the wind, the kit was in a lopsided crouch, his tail waving about madly.

"You must be quiet." Marshpaw ordered gently as he dropped into a crouch as well. The grey kit nodded and looked at Marshpaw, his vibrant green eyes sparkling. Gathering his haunches, Marshpaw felt his paws tuck under him and he lowered his tail. With a rush of pride, Stormkit copied him and balanced himself.

Is this what its like to be a mentor? He wondered, feeling his heart swell as he noticed the determined look in Stormkit's eyes.
"Now, press your belly against the ground." Marshpaw kept his voice low, careful not to disturb the other sleeping cats. When Stormkit did so, Marshpaw flicked his tail in the direction of a stray leaf.

Warrior Cats; The Fallen Wind #2Where stories live. Discover now