Chapter 9

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Natasha's POV

"You are going to help me get what I want" I said

"Really, and what is that" he said

"Freedom" I said

"Well maybe we could talk about it if you stop pointing that gun at me" He said

I didn't move, determined not give the benefit of the doubt but how else was I going to get out of here, I slowly lowered my gun but still had a firm grip on it until my hand was by my side, he grinned

"Now, tell me" he stated

"I don't have to tell you anything" I said while clicking my gun in it's holder and folding my arms in front of me.

She was taught how interrogate and many other things, this was going to be easy. Wasn't it.

Flashback ends

A knock on the door woke me up, I didn't even realize I passed out. I got up and turned to face the door, but didn't open it.

"Who is it?" I ask, "It's Steve" he responded, "I don't want to talk to anyone" I said while crossing my arms, I leaned against the door with my head touching the cold, metal surface.

"I know you wouldn't, but I want you to know we are here for you and we will get through this together." he said with a hopeful tone.

"Yeah" she said, tears trickled down her face, "I know" she added, silence followed. "Well if you want anything, just call" he said.

"Yep" she said while wiping the tears away, "thanks Steve."

"Okay Nat we are all in the lounge room" he said and then he walked back to the others. Natasha stood there and felt emotions she hadn't felt since before the Red Room, true sadness.

Steve's POV

I walked back to the lounge room where everyone was still in the spot as they were before I went to check on Natasha.

Tony sitting on the couch sitting forward focused on something, Bruce standing leaning against a wall hugging himself, Thor rubbing his knuckles and slowly pacing.

I walked towards the couch and sat down diagonally opposite to Tony and my head moving around to see the others. We were broken.

Natasha's POV

I needed to punch something, so I opened my door and walked the opposite way to the lounge room.

The conversation if you want to call it that between me and laura kept playing in my head, that one word 'monster' relayed in my head over and over.

I finally came upon the training room I walked in, it was large and empty with a viewing platform with a large glass window.

I headed straight to the main console where I typed in a few digits and chose extreme. I walked to the centre of the large room, and within a couple of seconds, 20 pixelated humans were charging towards me, I dogded them and knocked them down with ease.

One of them elbowed and the pixels dissolved and soon the other pixelated humans dissapeared. I then went back to console and picked the punching bag, it appeared from the ground and a rope from the roof appeared, it was ready to be punched the hell out of.

I got in position and started doing quick small punchs then I swung my arms on the bag and it became more uncontrollable the bag was swinging, and her punches were getting stronger. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.

Sweat and tears rolled down my face, my knuckles were bruised and were bleeding, but I didn't stop.

I didn't feel the sharp pains shooting through my arms as I swung them at the bag. It was only when I felt a hand grab mine that I stopped.

Steve's POV

I sat there in silence as did the others, silence filled the air like when we were on the plane, after the mission. "I believe agent Romanoff is need of assistance" said the British voice that belonged to J.A.R.V.I.S, we all looked at each other with horror

"where is she Jarvis?" I ask as I get up, "In the training room sir." I ran to the training room, I think the other's were following behind, but my mind was set on Natasha.

I ran into the room only to see Natasha punching the living daylights out of a punching bag. I could see her knuckles were bleeding.

I always had seen her as that calm and collected, kept to herself type of person but that was definitely rage, the way she swung her arms around it was as if she was possessed, "Natasha!" I said loudly, but she didn't notice.

I said it again but still no response once I walked up to her and grabbed her arm. I could see the sweat on her face and the vengeful eyes that could kill with a single stare. She stopped and yanked her arm out of my grasp, but I was stronger than her and kept the hold on her arm firm.

"Nat-" I said in a sad tone

"Don't Rogers, just don't" she said angrily, I let her arm go and she walked swiftly passed me, I turned around and Tony, Thor and Bruce were standing awkwardly as Natasha walked passed them as well. I sighed and put my hands on my hips. 

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