20: vague levels of emotional trauma rn

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Gee just couldn't take being around to take the blame for every fucking thing, and to be misgendered even more so than before, and although she knew she had to be there for Mikey, she had to think of herself, and her own sanity, and what she could take.

And for the past two days she'd left the house at six in the morning, before anyone else had woken up and returned close to midnight, avoiding contact with her parents and Mikey too. She'd sent a text to Mikey this time, explaining it all, but still she felt guilty, because although they didn't blame Mikey, she couldn't imagine that he had much of a good time with parents like that.

She'd spent her time outside, fuck, a shocking amount of time outside, either with Lindsey, Frank, or Alicia, having grown very close to Alicia recently, and also finding herself idolising her in an odd way too. Still, she felt guilty that she couldn't be there for Mikey all the time, but she knew by this point that she couldn't take much more of her parents' bullshit, and that this was the right thing to do, well, perhaps not the right thing, but the only option she had that made sense.

She found herself outside Frank's house that morning, come something like eight am, not expecting Frank to be awake, of course, but Mrs Iero knew her well enough to just let her in without question, she felt as if Frank's mother felt that something was up, especially with all the time she was spending at Frank's as of late, but she hadn't said anything, and for that, Gee was grateful as fuck.

Gee made her way up to Frank's room with little more than a 'good morning, how are you?' from his mother, and a concerned smile that reinforced Gee's suspicions that Mrs Iero was beginning to wonder just what was going on in her life.

She brushed it off by the the time she reached his bedroom door, knocking once and receiving no reply before pushing it open to reveal Frank and another boy she didn't recognise asleep on the floor. She rolled her eyes a little, closing the door behind her and making her way over to them.

The boy beside him was taller than Frank, with a brown afro and a trail of saliva dribbling out of his mouth, which was indeed a wonderful first impression. Frank himself had his head against the other boy's shoulder and his hair sticking up in tufts at odd angles.

Gee let out a little cough, reaching for Frank's head and moving it so he was pointed vaguely in her direction, "Frank?" She tried, tapping his cheek a little, "Frank?" She tried again, raising her voice a little, but of course, nothing.

The boy beside him, however, "wha-... fuck?" He peered up at Gee, his eyes widened a little, rubbing them before stretching and accidentally punching Frank in the side as he did so, and at that point, Frank finally woke up, falling onto Gee's leg and letting out an undecipherable mess of syllables and incomplete words.

"Frank?" Gee asked again, laughing a little as she brushed his hair from his face.

Frank leaned back, yawning a little and finally seeming to make sense of what was happening, "Gee? What's happening?"

"Dude, that's your girlfriend?" The other boy interjected before Gee could really think of what she was supposed to say, "goddamn- I-..." He then looked up, meeting Gee's gaze and a pair of raised eyebrows. "I'm Ray... Gee, isn't it?"

"Yeah," she nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears, "and exactly when did you go to sleep last night?"

"Like two hours ago." Frank mumbled, reaching for Gee's hand and stumbling to his feet, "did my mum let you in? Fuck, I look like shit." Frank groaned, fixating upon his reflection in the mirror.

"Cute shit." Gee corrected him, smiling a little, "but yeah, you could have done with more sleep."

"We went out to this really cool park on the other side of town, at like midnight, yeah, but yeah I ran out of cigarettes and I got bored, and Ray refused to buy me anymore like the asshole he is-"

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