Sherlock x Reader. Death and Life

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You yelled out in pain and as you squeezed your husbands hand. "Push honey push!" Sherlock encouraged and kissed your head. "You can do it sweetie." He smiled faintly.

You yelled out again and squeezed his hand, the pain feeling 100 times worse than you ever thought. You even got some sedatives but you were sure the weren't working.

"He's almost here Y/n, our baby boy." Sherlock kissed your head and wiped away the sweat. Shortly after he said that a cry was heard and your baby was seen by the two of you.

He was getting cleaned when the doctor took notice to you. You were bleeding badly and they were now trying to patch you up. Sherlock immediately noticed and gripped your hand and made you look at him.

"No! Y/n look at me! Please honey please! Talk to me!" He pleaded and you opened your eyes weakly.

"Sherlock? What's going on?" You asked weakly? "Where's William?" You asked and Sherlock shook his head.

"He's fine honey just focus on me. You're bleeding badly and I need you to stay away. Just talk to me honey, about anything." He pleaded and looked down at you with scared eyes, already brimming with tears.

You ran your thumb over his cheek and wiped away his tears. "It'll be ok Sherlock, as long as Williams fine everything's like be alright." You whispered, knowing your voice'd betray you.

He shook his head. "No, I need you both here. You're what's made me this way, I can't lose you, not now, not for long time. Please don't go." He begged. "I love you. I need you. I'll miss you." He sniffled. "I won't know what to do without you. You're my everything, you're the one woman I have ever and will ever feel this way for, you can't go." He kissed your hand as a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Shhh. Here's our baby." You said, changing the subject before he made you cry. A nurse handed you your baby boy and you held him. "Look Sherlock, he's so small, and so cute." You smiled lovingly.

"Yeah, he is." He smiled a bit and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, the other cradling your arms that held your baby. The little boy squirmed and opened his eyes. Looking up at you both with e/c eyes just like yours. "He's got your eyes honey." Sherlock bit his lip and held you close.

"Yeah he does. But I'm sure he's gonna look just like you, only, with e/c eyes." You chuckled weakly and whimpered softly as you felt yourself getting weaker.

"What's wrong? Y/n tell me!" He pressed.

"He's so precious." You said and smiled sweetly, pulling your baby boy closer. "I love you buddy." You kissed his head.

Sherlock cracked a smile and leaned closer to you. "He is." He kissed your cheek and smiled a bit more. "I love you."

"I love you too Sherlock. Why don't you take him?" You asked, your vision fading as you grew weaker and weaker from the blood loss that the doctors thought had clotted.

Sherlock took your baby boy in his arms and held him close and securely. "I love you so much buddy. Just as much as I love your mother." Sherlock leaned down and kissed you softly.

You kissed back with as much power as you could before your body went cold and limp. Sherlock felt the last beat of your heart and his eyes widened. "SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR!" He yelled.



Sherlock woke up with a jolt, he quickly wiped the sweat off his head and panted. He squeezed his eyes shut and flopped back onto his bed. Today was his sons 4th birthday.

Sherlock checked the time and whined softly before slowly rising. 9 am on a Saturday, not too bad.

He moved as quietly as he could from his room to the kitchen, hoping not to wake his son. He began to cook them breakfast like always. Pancakes, he made pancakes, since that was what his little boy loved.

He promised that your little boy would never be sad, not if he could help it. Just as Sherlock finish he heard the pitter patter of small feet. "Daddy?" He heard his sons voice call.

Sherlock smiled and walked over, scooping up the boy and making him giggle. "Happy birthday buddy." He smiled and kissed his chubby cheek and set him down in his chair. "Eat up." He smiled as his son dug into his breakfast like he did everyday.

Sherlock ate as well, making faces with him as he did. His son would giggle and smile at all of them. After the two were done his son tilted his head to the side. "Daddy? Are we gonna go see mummy today?" He asked.

Sherlock tensed slight but relaxed immediately. "Yes, of course. We always go see mummy on your birthday." He smiled at his son.

"Can we go now? I miss her and I wanna talk to her as soon as possible." The little boy pleaded, pouting his lower lip and looking up at his father with big e/c eyes.

"Sure thing buddy. Why don't you go get dressed?" Sherlock said after bending down to his sons level. His son grinned and jumped into his fathers arms, hugging him tightly.

"I love you daddy." He said happily and Sherlock held his boy tight and close.

"I love you too. Now go get dressed bud. Mums waiting for us." He smiled and set his son down and watched him run off to get dressed.


They arrived at the cemetery after a short cab ride from their home. Sherlock carried his boy inside and towards your grave. The boy in his arms bounced with excitement. "I can't wait to talk to mummy." He smiled.

"I can tell. Calm down a bit William, I don't wanna drop you." Sherlock warned the boy and the boy nodded, doing as his father said.

They reached your grave and Sherlock sat down, putting your son in his lap. "Hi mummy! Daddy and I have missed you!" Your boy began and continued talking, Sherlock just listened, and he knew that you were listening too.

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