Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 7.

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I had spent the last two weeks trying to get Jake to reply to me. He answered the phone once, only to tell me that he didn't want to hear from me again. He said that he hated me and he would never be able to forgive me for lying to him.

Then he hung up and left me with nothing.

I had nothing worth fighting for anymore and I had nothing to want to go back to Manchester for either.

Especially since Jake had wasted no time in telling people the truth. I'd already had several people text me and ask me if it's true, or if Jake was just lying about it for attention, I couldn't be bothered to reply to them and I really wasn't in the mood for people to be arguing with me either.

I didn't need people telling me that I'd made the wrong choice and reminding me that Jake had the right to know about the baby being his.

Max had already given me that lecture. I didn't need to be getting it from other people; or from the people that had no interest in my life until this point.

I decided that I would have a look at Twitter, just to be nosey and see what was going on. But I soon wished that I hadn't done that and I had just remained feeling sorry for myself. The first tweet that I read ruined any hope that I had left and made me wonder why I even thought, even for a second, that there was a chance anyone was going to listen to me or what I had to say to them.

@YouBitch_Jake: You were supposed to be my bestfriend, now I just wish nothing had ever happened between us. You're a bitch.

Guess that was him mkaing it clear that he meant what he said to me and he really did want nothing more to do with me.

I had really hurt him and upset him more than anything. I didn't even mean to do that and I never thought he was even going to find out the truth.

I always assumed he would never need to know, mostly because I knew this would happen if he ever did find out. All my worst fears had been confirmed and I had lost the best thing to happen to me.

With the exception of Tom, Siva, Jay and Nathan, I was basically all on my own now and had no one.

All because I made a stupid mistake and arrogantly thought that the truth would never get out. I was an idiot to even think I could trust my brother.

I should have known something like this was going to happen, especially after the way Max kept going on about Jake having the right to know about his baby and the way that he wasn't impressed when I said that I wasn't going to tell the truth. It should have clicked with me at that point that this was always going to happen.

This was always going to be the inevitable outcome of my lies and my deceit.

I decided that I was going to reply to Jake. Even if he didn't want to talk to me, at least everyone would know what I have to say; they wouldn't have to make up their own rumours about everything that was happening between me and Jake.

They would be able to read it for themselves.

@NikkiLove_xo: @YouBitch_Jake Subtle. If you answered me, then you'd get the truth. Would only take 5 minutes...

I contined to stare at my phone, watching all the tweets roll in from people that wanted to know more. It did make me laugh that so few people really did care about me. But it made me laugh even more knowing that there were so many people who would do anything for a cheap laugh in their sad, pathetic lives.

I was only distracted from everything buzzing through my mind by a quiet knock at the door. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

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