Habit You Got From Them

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I don't know why I did this... I guess cause I saw it on someone's? I don't remember who's though. So, credit to whoever did this and gave me the idea.

Chapter 6; Habit You Got From Them

Dean: Swearing. Ever since you and Dean started dating, you swore a lot more.

Sam: Big words. You use the big words Sam taught you to confuse Dean. And sometimes Cas.

Castiel: Innocence. You don't know how it happened but you've become more innocent then before you started dating Cas.

Kevin: Sarcasm. He uses a lot of sarcasm and so do you.

Charlie: Fandoms. Its not really a habit but she got you into more fandoms.

Gabriel: Candy. Again, not really a habit. He got you to eat a lot of sweets.

Balthazar: Stealing. You don't even think about it anymore. You steal small things out of habit.

Lucifer: Sass. You and Luci use sass all the time. You sass each other and others.

Crowley: Judging people. You don't realize you're doing it but you and him judge everyone. You're just a bunch of school girls together.

Meg: Breaking in. She breaks into everything. You do it too.

Jess: Energetic. You don't really think it's a habit, you just get more energetic with Jess around. She's always so bouncy and happy,  you just adapted to it.

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