Cyn pov
So it's been almost a month since Erica came to my condo. A lot has happened since then. I went back to New York, got a part for a new movie coming up with Ice Cube and I am super excited. Erica is the first person I wanted to tell, but she hasn't answered any of my calls. I even text her and let her know i would like to see King. You know what she does have her mom call me and set it up to meet him. So you can read my texts and voice messages but you can't respond. Typical Erica, when things don't go her way, she just shut down. She is going to have to talk to me at some point because I will be in LA filming so that means I need some living space out there, but it also means I get to see my King. We had so much fun when he came to my house in Miami, I was sooooo excited he even brought Juan his little friend. I didn't let them eat bad nor stay up late I don't play that shit and they still had a ball. I'm decorating my New York brownstone for King as well. Wherever I am, that's where I want him to be. We talked a little about his mom, I guess that's when I begin to feel bad and was anxious to talk to her.
In Miami at the condo a week ago
It's rainy outside so me and my baby boy stayed in snuggled up and watched all kinds of crazy movies.
C King
K yes mama
C how is your mom
K ok I guess
C ok I wanted to make sure
K yea well she has been a little sad
C how come
K well I know her and mr Shad postponed the wedding. They were yelling one night and she said this is not how family is supposed to go
C what do you think she meant by that
K not sure maybe it's because the lady won't let shai come around. I haven't even met her.
C what it's been almost two years
K even when she is on FaceTime me and mommy have to be in the other room and when me Shad brings her around me and mommy go to Miami with nana. The lady doesn't like how mommy talk. Mr Shad told her the lady said that she doesn't even see me that much and that she is not raising me and that um real mommy wouldnt do that they take care of their babies. Is that true?
C you know what I think?
K what
C I think people are dealt different cards in life. Some of us have an easy life handed to us and things are a little easier. But for people like me and your mommy, all we had was family, and that is out most valuable asset. We don't have money for daycare, you go to an titi's house. You grow up around cousins because your family is close. That's what we do King rely on each other to make life better and as long as you're happy, you've never think about what you don't have. What your mommy did was brave, she made a way and nobody was going to stop her and that's why she has this comfortable life. You know what else she did?
K what mama smiling
C she made life better for me in an instance...I take care of my moms, I get to help my sisters, and I have the perfect little boy. I win in life
K love you mama
C love youuuuuuuu
Present time
It Will Always Be #HER
Non-Fictionrecap You know the story girl meets girl. Girl is a perfect woman. Everyone fell in love with the feisty Spanish chick and so did I. Her accent, her curves, her maturity, her beauty, I loved it all. I was possessive of her and did not like anyone ar...