Live Stream

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Jordyn POV:

I threw on my hoodie and set up the computer. We had just finished our first show and I had put on street clothes. Josh and Ben walked into the dressing room also in their street clothes.

"Hey guys, you ready for the live stream? We go live in 5 minutes." I said.

"This is going to be awesome! I can't wait to answer all the questions! We had a lot of people tweet us questions between yesterday and today and they will ask more during the live q&a!" Josh said. We all sat down on the couch with Josh and Ben on each side of me.

"Ok one minute till we are live. Everybody pull out your phones!" I said. We all took out our phones and I started the live stream. "Ok can they hear us?" I asked.

"How should I know?" Josh asked.

"We probably should've learned how to work everything before we started the stream." Ben laughed.

"Wait guys I think they can leave comments and we can see them right there. And there's how many views we have. Wow 150 people are watching right now. Ok um can any of you here us?" I asked. We were all laughing at ourselves as we tried to figure it out.

"Wait somebody left a comment, they can hear us!" Ben said.

"Ok yay you can hear us! Ok well I'm Jordyn!"

"I'm Ben!"

"And I'm Josh! And we are here in-between shows at Newsies!"

"So um we have Twitter up on phones and we are gonna answer questions that you all tweeted with the #NewsiesQA. You can also ask us questions during this live chat." Ben said.

"Ok so let's start! I have a question! What is it living on the road? Well it's a lot of fun going to get to see the different cities but it can be hard being away from your family." I said.

"Yeah. Me and Jordyn are both twins and it's definitely hard being away from someone you are so close with. But as Jordyn said it's great seeing all the cities and getting to see the fansies in their home cities!" Ben added.

"We lose a lot of sleep especially on travel days but you learn to sleep anywhere. We sleep on buses, in cars, on airplanes, in airports. Anywhere and everywhere." Josh said.

"Here's a good one, explain the prank war that is going on right now. Love you all! We love you too! But the prank war started when Nico put shaving cream in me and Josh's hats. There are now 2 teams. Team Bacon which is obviously the best team and Team Awesome. Don't let their name deceive you, they are not awesome!" Ben laughed.

"We should get t-shirts with our team name on it!" I suggested.

"Yes and a big piece of bacon. Oh my gosh this is happening." Josh laughed. Ben tapped my shoulder and showed me a tweet on his phone.

"Oh my gosh! Ok this tweet Ben just showed me is from my old dance studio! They said 'Jordyn we are all so proud of you! when are you coming back to your hometown?' Well I was actually just there last week for a family issue but the tour is actually going to be stopping near you all after we leave her! I am so excited to see everybody again! Love and miss you all so much!" I said.

"Tell us about Ben and Jordyns relationship!" Josh read from a tweet. I looked and Ben and started to blush. "Come on guys, spill it!"

"Well I met her on her first day at Newsies and we instantly became friends. And we just got closer and closer and then I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Ben said, putting his arm around me. I looked and we had over 15,000 viewers. 15,000 people watching my face blush, wow.

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