Relax - Russia

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Eyes shutting tight, you forced yourself to focus on the song being played right now.

-with you right here I'm a rocketeer. Let's-

Unfortunately, the singing stopped, and your eyes opened without them trying to adjust to the lights.

"Oh mother of my mother, my life is probably going to end soon," you muttered under your breath.

"Don't say that," You stared up at the Russian beside you. "It's just a take off,"

"Oh no, no, no, Mr. Braginski. You are not telling me it's a take off using that word 'just'. Ivan, this is purely dangerous. What if-"

"__________," he cut you off, a warmth hand placed on top of yours as he added, "Relax, I'm here,"

It's as if a two inch gnome painted your face a light shade of pink hearing that reply.

"Besides, it's winter this season. Our chances of survival jumping from this plane are big,"

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