I'm boooooreed as hell and being a lazy butt....btws this is in a dream and things might go coocoo so...yea
Kagome's P.O.V.
Where is everyone? They aren't here? Ah, that's right, I left them.... It's so quiet...so lonely.....so dark. Nothing in front of me insight. Is this what true loneliness is like?
It's suddenly cold.... I miss the good Ol days when hunting for The jewel shards......'What went wrong there?'
It was all perfect.....
Until Kikyo came....Kikyo!
I know, she must be the cause of this !
She must be the reason why Inuyasha left me and why things weren't the same! Yes...yes..I know....but....this tight feeling in my heart...hurts...
Inuyasha .........why?'I never thought of you' a voice called out 'of you, of who you truly were, of who you are'
'You were nothing but a copy'
Me? A copy?
'Someone who didn't even deserve me time'
'Inuyasha? Inuyasha! Wait for me!' I tried calling after him.
I'm running towards him...running, running, running, running, running.....but...I just cannot catch up...
'I love you, Kikyo'
'Why Inuyasha? She tried to kill you!' I cried out.
'Inuyasha why! Please, don't leave me alone! Please! Inuyasha! Inuyasha!' I begged.
'You...were nothing but a mistake'
The hikari.....disappeared......me? A mistake? Did I..do something wrong? All I ever wanted...was for you to looked at me...at me! Not Kikyo! in your eyes...was I only Kikyo's copy to you?
Why can't you look at me for who i am....?
Why did you think of me as that.....!
TELL ME, WHY INUYASHA?!' I yelled my heart out.
'Hello Kagome' a sinister voice echoed within my mind...'Naraku!'
'Yes' he is him! I knew it!
'What is he doing here?' I thought.
'Hmph, can't i visit my dear old friends? How mean' he chuckled darkly.
'Old friend!' I yelled at him 'i remember, you tried to kill me!'
'When did I ever tried to do it that?' He questioned.
'Psh, like for nearly a whole year 2-3 years ago' I rolled my eyes.
'Ehhh, well, that was just the past' he whined and finally made his appearance. Wearing a simple kimono and hakama(zat is what it is called right?).
I grimaced with the miasma and dark aura as he came closer.
'What's wrong Kagome?' He mocked 'you seem a little...pale?' Caressing my right cheek with his cold hand.
'.....what do you want?' I glared daggers at him.
Naraku just smirked 'poor, poor Kagome'
What the heck?
'Abandoned by Inuyasha for a mere undead priestess who doesn't even give a crap about him'
I wince as the words stab me bad.
'Abandoned you, you who understand him better than anyone else'
It's true.....
'Abandoned less than a minute after realising was alive'
'And no-'
'Shut up Naraku, I get your point.shut.up.' I bit the inside of my cheeks'
'Aren't you jealous?' Naraku asks, probably trying to make me mad.
'Yes, of course! Who wouldn't be?!' I growled.
'So mad, I wanna kick his ass so bad' I punched my fists together.
'Have you ever.....considered in taking revenge?' Naraku looked at me dead in the eyes.
I gulped '...yes...but no'
Naraku lifted an eyebrow 'why not'
'The guilt' I smirked 'when he finally realises what he has done, he's gonna suffer from all that guilt'
'Eh, Hmph' Naraku had a thoughtful look on his face.
'Btws, SCRAM' I shout with my fist raised shooting a wave of my power at him.
Naraku dispersed into miasma and was purified but not before saying
'I'll be coming for you soon, it was Nice seeing you hehehehh'
SesshomaruXkagome Fanfiction [Discontinued]
FanfictionThis is a Kagome and Sesshomaru Fanfiction! Imagine the possibilities. Kagome wasn't human, she isn't Kikyo's reincarnation and her family is a bunch of powerful old geezers! Btw, updates are kinda slow and progression is like super slow 2019 UPDATE...