Living Purdy- Just Praying You Never Feel My Pain

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Ashley's POV

Autumn came home a few days later from hospital and to be honest, I don't know if she even feels slight better? Cayden helped Autumn over to the couch, sitting her down and placed her oxygen tube in her nose. Her doctor suggested that Autumn have extra oxygen when she came home, so now my daughter is hooked up to a breathing machine twenty four/ seven. Oh, what joy! Hence the sarcasm there. We decided that Autumn just sleep on the couch, it'd be much easier for her then walking up the steps. Cayden will be with her at night, so there should be no problem. I hope.

"Can I have something to drink?" Autumn asked closing her eyes

"I'm on it" Cayden said rushing to the kitchen. He came back a few seconds later with an open bottle of water and handed it to Autumn. She took the bottle and nearly drank the whole bottle in one sitting. I felt so bad. Cayden sat down beside her and took a hold of her hand, smiling slightly at her. Autumn returned the favor and began to play with his wedding band. I couldn't take it anymore! Seeing my daughter sitting there, knowing she's dying! I walked out of the living room and out the front door, sitting on the front step, crying.

"Ashley?" I turned around, wiping my eyes to see Brooke standing there. "Ash? Are you alright?" she asked sitting beside me.

"No, I'm not alright, Brooke! My daughter is in there dying! She's dying! This wasn't supposed to happen to her! Autumn had dreams! She had ambitions! For Christ's sake she has a daughter and a husband! Why should she be taken away from that!?" I yelled putting my head in my knees. "I just want to wake up in the morning and I want all of this gone!"

Brooke scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I slightly turned my body towards her and rested my head on her shoulder, crying like a baby. This life was never supposed to happen to my daughter.

"I know this hard, Ash. But we all have to try and be strong for Autumn. As much as it hurts us, we just gotta be by her side and help her as much as we can. I'm not going to sit here and tell you, you won't hurt, Ashley. But, right now you just have to be strong for Autumn. Please?"

"I'm going to try. I'll give it all my best, I will. For Autumn and the family." Brooke smiled at me and placed a light kiss on my cheek. "Come on, let's go back inside." I got up, taking Brooke's hand and walked into the living room to see Autumn asleep on the couch.

"She just fell asleep. I'll stay down here and keep an eye on her, Ash." Cayden said covering Autumn up

"Don't you have to be at work?" I asked

"I took today off to be with Autumn. I'll be back tomorrow" he said. I just nodded my head at him and went upstairs to my room. Cayden's a good guy. I thought I would never see the day that he would marry daughter after all the trouble they been through. But they actually both proved me wrong. And honestly, I enjoy Cayden being around Autumn and Audrey.

~Next Day~

"She still hasn't woken up has she?" I asked walking into the living room. Brooke just looked up at me with sad eyes and shook her head 'No.' Since last night Autumn hasn't woke up once and its beginning to scare the family. What if this is it? The day she takes her last breath? "D-do you think?-"

"No, Ashley. She's still breathing, I checked. Let's just let her rest, Ash. Now can you go and bring the babies down from their nap?" Brooke asked smiling

"Yeah." I walked up the steps going into the twins' room and picked them out of their crib. Chasity smiled at me, touching my face, giggling. I smiled back at her and rested my forehead against hers. Autumn shouldn't be taken away from these babies. Especially, Audrey. Her daughter. "Let's go see mama" I said walking down the steps with them in each arm.

"She wake up yet??!" I looked over and saw Cayden walking in from work.

"No, Cayden" Brooke said taking A.J from me.

"What? She has to wake up! Autumn can't be that tired!" Cayden walked over, kneeling beside Autumn and took her hand. "Autumn? Are you going to wake up soon? Please for me and Audrey? Your dad?!" All Autumn did was leave out a huge, heavy sigh and continued on with her slumber.

"Cayden, its not just Autumn. Its just her body. If she's comfortable let her be. Cayden, I heated you up some dinner. Please, come in and get something to eat? Ashley will sit with her in case anything happens." Cayden sighed, wiping his tears away and walked into the kitchen with Brooke. I sat on the floor next to the couch and placed my hand on Autumn's cheek.

"Just open your eyes once, Autumn. For a little bit?" I asked. I stared at her waiting for an answer or some sort of miracle, but sadly I got nothing.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now