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Sleep o' my love, sleep.
Let the dark engulf your fears,
Let the sighs silence your tears,
Sleep o' my love, sleep.

Dream 'bout where thou shalt dwell,
Where heaven is separated from hell.
Where thou shalt live by my side,
Even though they be just thoughts, seeming bonafide.
Sleep o' my love, sleep.

When thy eyes can see the sky,
Praise the stars up so high.
Even when the grass seems more real and green,
Don't thou forget this is just thy dream.
Sleep o' my love, sleep.

Sleep o' my love, sleep.
Dream 'bout love and all it's glory,
'Bout thy own story.
Whilst I shan't try at all,
I believe to desire is to fall.
I'll stay up till the dawn shalt return,
Till the dreams make thy head burn.
Even then, I won't go, I'll stay.
Wishing I am in thy arms every day.

Sleep o' my love, sleep.
Thy father shall not come back tonight,
Not even with the morning light.
He shan't accept what is his,
For I, ignorance wasn't bliss.
Someday though, it shalt all be fine. Till then my child,
Sleep o' my love, sleep.


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