So What Now?

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Mel Pov
Idk how ima tell James I'm pregnant with his twins.... Shit I can't even believe that shit, but I'm happy after thesedo two I'm not having no more kids! .I pulled up to my house ,James car was outside. I took a deep breath then walked inside.

"Hey baby, I'm home " I said walking in... He was walking down the hall, he was on his phone. "Yeah... Okay...well just let me know... iight,yeah she just walked in...okay I'll tell her... Bye" he hugged me & kissed my for heard "that was Robert, he said hey " "oh okay, umm soo I went to my appointment today" he sat on the couch "oh yeah ,how'd it go " I handed him the pictures "why the baby got 2 heads, 4 arms.... ' he looked up at me "bae we having twins " i nodded "omg,im so happy" he Said kissing all over my face. "Really babe?" "Of course, then we gone have two more, then two more " I pushed him "nigga please " he started laughing "what are they" I looked at the picture "boy & girl" "what we gone name them"he said starring at the picture "idk....yet"

King Pov
"So you just gone fuck me & leave king"this girl I met last night at the club said "look ma I got things to do... " I pulled up my pants & walked out. I probably should call bri the other day our conversation ain't go to well . Her & kaysen been staying with me ever since she got out the hospital, I guess I'm not use to living with nobody besides Magic & j.j, I don't know ima get myself right.. it's not like we together or nothing.

I pulled up to my driveway, bri & kaysen were in the front... He's was playing with j.J's daughter .

"Wusup ma" I said joining bri on the porch. She ignored me, I took a deep breath "look I'm sorry for not being around I just have a lot on my mind " I said looking at the ground.

"Come on kaysen we gotta take Kayla back home " they ran in the house to get Kayla stuff I'm guessing, she got up to walk away I grabbed her arm "how tf you gone ignore me... Shit I apologized" "king let go of me " she pulled away from me& went in the house. She came back out kaysen had a overnight bag & kayla had her bag.

"Bye daddy " kaysen said hugging me "bye lil man, when you coming back" I said fixing his shirt "when mommy come get me " I looked at bri, she was brushing kayla hair into a ponytail ."say goodbye y'all.. " bri said Walking away "bye daddy..bye uncle k" they said, I walked them over to the car & strapped them in.

"iight y'all bye" They waved... I closed the door, bri sped off. I walked in the house & went to my room & took a shower. I put on some gym shorts & elite socks. I went to fix me something to eat,I cooked some t-bone steak, Alfredo chicken & I cooked strawberry shortcake... Yup ya boy can cook.... Chef dante lmao.
3:30 Am
I was playing gta 5 .... Been up all night waiting on bri to come back, idk where she went. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I decided to just go to bed I went to the kitchen to Fix me something to drink.

While I was washing the glass, I heard the door open... I cut the lights off & hid behind the kitchen door. Bri walked in the kitchen throwing a duffle bag on the kitchen table,so she back to stripping I guess. heR phone started ringing.... "Uggh...Hello...He's at his grandma house.... Talk?...When?....iight I'll see... Okay bye " she warmed her food up & fixed a glass of peach ciroc, then walked upstairs.

I wonder who she was talking to... I locked up everything downstairs then went upstairs... I opened the door she was sitting on the bed eating her food & watching Friday after next.

I closed the door, she looked at me & gave me a weak smile... I smiled back & sat beside her. "Who you was on the phone with" I asked getting straight to the point "My Uncle " "What he wanted " she wiped her mouth "he wanna talk about what happened at kaysen party " "oh okay when...? " she finished her food.... "Tomorrow & he wants me to bring you " I froze "fr?" She nodded.

Bri pov
Well today is the day king & I go to meet with my uncle.... I'm not even gonna flex & act like I'm not nervous cause Lord knows I am... "You ready" king asked walking up to me ..he looked nice ,he had on a white Polo shirt with a red horse,khaki cargo shorts & torro bravo 's. "Yeah " I said putting on my hoop earrings. "iight lets go" we got in the car & was headed to this nice resturant.

King came over & opened my door... "You look beautiful " he said kissing my lips "thank you" i said wiping my lipstick off his lips ,see this is the part of king I don't understand... Like we can be completely anti to each other then acting like we a couple... "glad you came brianna" i heard my uncle say . "Yeah" "king wusup man ,how my nephew doing" king & my uncle dapped each other up "he's good" king said .. we walked inside the restaurant & my heart stopped, my parents we're sitting at a booth. "Oh yeah, your mom wanted to see you!" My uncle said walking up to them. "Brianna,hi " my mom said hugging, I hugged her back. My dad just sat there .we ordered our drinks "so what do I owe the pleasure " I said crossing my arms. "We just wanted to apologize about ruining kaysens birthday.... We want to be in your life & kaysens " my mom said sipping her water.

I looked at king, it was like he could've killed then with the way he was looking. "Well I do want kaysen to know & have a relationship with his grandparents.... Soo sure you all can be in his life" my parents looked at each other, then looked at me & smiled. "Bri you really are becoming a wonderful, intelligent young woman" my dad catching me off guard, I haven't heard his voice ,appulading me of anything in a long time "well thanks" .we orderrd our food & talked more.

1 week later
Today im going with mel so we can go shopping for her twins, kaysen staying the weekend with my parents. I put on a pair of distressed jeans, a red & white stripped bralet, a navy blazer, & my red - red bottoms, I put my hair in a nice bun. I sprayed some perfume, grabbed my keys & purse & was headed out

As I was about to pull out, king was pulling in, "where you finna go dressed like that" he said walking over to my car "the mall with mel" . "Whatever " he said walking into the house.


"So have you chose any names yet " I said to mel who was looking at matching monkey jumpers "well me & James think that you should name them" I looked at her shocked "really... Woww " she laughed "yes... Make sure it's something cute & unique " . I laughed " of course" we finished shopping. "Don't you think you bought to much " I said helping her put stuff in her trunk "there's no such thing as too much " ... Mel Is a shopaholic lol. "iight well bye girl,call me" I said hugging her "okay bye, tell kaysen I said hey " "okay " I got in my car & drove off.

I was taking a shower when I felt somebody wrap the hands around my waist. I turned around it was king "shh " he said kissing my lips & neck. He grabbed my wash cloth & body wash & started washing my body, I can't lie this shit was making me horny asf. I did the same for him "I want you " I said in his ear.with no hesitation he picked me up & carried me to the bed. He laid me down & spread my legs, he kissed me thighs & around my Kitty "mmmm stop playing " I said pushing his head into my wetness. He started slurping, sucking & slowly sticking his tounge in & out of me. "Yesss " I said playing with my harden nipples.

He slid 2 fingers in & out while still sucking on my clit. "Kiiiiing I'm about to cum" I could feel my body about to explode. "Let it go baby" he said kissing my kitty .

King pov
She squirted everywhere, damn I said to myself "you ready for some dick" I said stroking myself she nodded, while biting her lip.. I slid in hard & rough "aaaah" she screamed out "I started deep stroking that fat pusy. "Deeper " she moaned, I went deeper "harder" I went deeper & harder.I flipped us over leaving her on top she squated on my dik & started bouncing up & down... I slammed her Down on my dixk "shit" she yelled out.. she started grinding on my dick "fuck I'm finna cum" I held her close "you love me " I asked thrusting inside of her "yes... I love you Dante" I let my load off in her.

We laid in that same position for an hour... I woke & bri was snoring lmao I got up & covered her up with a blanket I walked to the bathroom.. handle my business then walked out. I got back in bed. Then went to sleep

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