My big brother offers me a meal

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I was knocked out, I think I was in shock that Percy had made me take a plunge towards the Mississippi, and I was pretty sure I now had a fear of heights, it took until the next day on June 14 for me to recover from the experience. We arrived in Denver in the afternoon, dirty and hungry.

"Let's try to contact Chiron," Annabeth said. "I want to tell him about your talk with the river spirit."

"Didn't you say we shouldn't use a phone?"

"I'm not talking about phones."

We wandered around downtown for at least half an hour, knowing nothing of what Annabeth was looking for. I also noticed the change in atmosphere between Denver and St. Louis; the air here was drier.

We found an empty car wash. We headed for the booth farthest from the street, keeping an eye out for police cars.

"What exactly are we doing?" asked Percy, as Grover took out the spray gun.

"It's seventy-five cents," he grumbled. "I've only got two pieces left. Annabeth?"

"Don't look at me," she said. "The dining car wiped me out."

Percy took what money he had left and gave it to them to complete.

"Excellent," said Grover. "We could do it with a spray bottle, of course, but the connection isn't as good, and my arm gets tired of pumping."

"What are you talking about?"

He inserts the coins and sets the knob to FINE MIST. "I-M'ing."

"Instant messaging?"

"Iris-messaging," Annabeth corrected. "The rainbow goddess Iris carries messages for the gods. If you know how to ask,and she's not too busy, she'll do the same for the half-bloods."

"You summon the goddess with a spray gun?"

Grover pointed the nozzle in the air and the water hissed out in a thick white mist.

"Unless you know an easier way to make a rainbow."

Indeed, the late afternoon light filtered through the steam and decomposed into colors. Annabeth held out the palm of her hand to me. "A drachma, please."

Percy handed it to her.

She raised the coin above her head. "O goddess, accept our offering."

She threw the drachma into the rainbow. It disappeared in a shimmer of gold.

"'Half-blood Hill'," asked Annabeth.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then I looked through the mist at the strawberry fields and, in the distance, Long Island Sound in the distance. We felt like we were on the porch of the Big House.A sandy-haired guy in shorts stood with his back to us at the railing.
He was holding a bronze sword and looking around with great interest.

"Hey, Luke!" I said.

He turned around, a fierce look adorning his face, it looked like he was standing not even three feet from me, apart from the fact that he was just a bright bust rainbow colors.

"Kassi!" A smile appeared on his face," Percy and Annabeth are there too. Thanks the gods. Are you guys okay?"

"We're... uh... fine," Annabeth stammered. She was straightening her dirty T-shirt, trying to comb the loose hair from her face. "We thought...Chiron, I mean..."

"He's down at the cabins." Luke's smile faded. "We're having some trouble with the campers. Listen, is everything cool with you? Is Grover all right?"

"I'm here," said Grover. He held the nozzle out to the side and stepped into Luke's field of vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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