"Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is, And saw virtue in her own shape how lovely; "
- John Milton
A knock sounded at a door, the wood creaking as it slowly opened. An older woman peaked her head through the crack, tired eyes finding her daughter's form sitting on the old bed.
"Are you about ready"
Ophelia looked up at the sound of her mother's voice, he fingers lightly tracing over the brass brush she held in her hand. "I've to brush my hair and I'll be done"
The older woman hummed, stepping into the room fully. "Come sit" She said, moving to stand in front of the vanity that sat opposite of the girls bed.
Ophelia slowly got up, gripping her hairbrush as she moved to sit on the old stool, now looking at the covered mirror.
Her mother grabbed the brush, and Ophelia watched silently as she moved to uncover the cracked mirror.
The young girl watched the cotton fabric fall to the ground, before slowly bringing her eyes up to her image in the mirror.
Her mother had said that vanity was a sin, and can invite evil spirits. so for as long as Ophelia could remember, her mother had covered all mirrors, only allowing the girl to look at her appearance on the days of God, when they were safe.
Both stayed silent as her mother got to work on her hair, brushing through the tangles roughly.
Ophelia didn't react, nor dare to make a sound, instead focusing on her reflection.
Rosy cheeks and pale blue eyes, she was almost the spitting image of her father, save for her light hair and fair skin which came from her mother.The older woman continued to brush, her eyes not moving from her daughter's hair. Hair that once looked like her own. Now though, her hair had grown darker and had become brittle, streaks of grey also decorating her hair.
The older woman frowned, and roughly yanked the girls hair, this time eliciting a small yelp of pain from her.
She looked up now, making eye contact through the mirror."We're done here" she paused, now glancing at her daughter's white flowered dress. "Change and put on that blue dress.. the one with laced trimming. Father Lewis is retiring and the welcome ceremony for the next head is today. Your father needs to make a good impression and so must we"
Ophelia bit her lip, her finger tracing one of the flowers on her dress, before nodding. "Yes, mother"
She watched as her mother covered the mirror and left the room, not moving until the door closed. As soon as the click of the door was heard, she sprung up and began to change her dress, frowning as she switched the lovely white flowered dress to the pastel blue one. She liked the white dress more.
After throwing her hair into a quick braid, she made her way out of her room, not before stopping to pet her beloved cat that was now laying on her bed. "I'll feed you soon as I get back okay Sylvester. Remember to stay away from mother and father." She smiled down at the black and white cat, kissing the space between its ears before shutting her door.
" Took you long enough. Hurry now girl your father is waiting. He wants to sit up front"
Ophelia mumbled a small apology, walking quickly out the door and next to the waiting male.Her father didn't say anything, only doing a quick look over the two females before nodding and turning to walk down the dirt road, the two women following after him quietly.
The village Ophelia lived in was small and rural. The type of place where everyone knows everyone's business. Where nothing exciting ever happened except for a gaudy rumor or two.
So of course the rumor of the new priest was spreading like wildfire. Especially because this new priest was not only from the cities, but he was also young and handsome even.
" I saw him I swear I did. He's nothing like I've ever seen"
"Apparently he's come from the city. The one up north"
" I've heard he's come from England. Sent by the king he was"
" How could they allow an outsider to be here. You know James has been pinning for that position since Father Lewis first fell Ill"Ophelia glanced at her father, knowing he must be seething in anger. James, her father, had been studying since he was a boy to be the head of the church.
Though he has only ever been appointed as the Catechist, she supposed now he's hoping to be the new Deacon if he couldn't be the Priest.
She pursed her lips, looking back down and toying with her dress- her finest dress. Her father didn't deserve any role within this church.
After a few more minutes, people slowly filled in the old wooden pews that lined both sides of the ancient church, soft music began to play as everyone stood up.
"My brothers and sisters. My children and fellows of God, as you may know, and it is both with deep sadness and yet joy, that I give this title of Father to another"
Father Lewis stood at stage in front, behind him a choir of people and musicians softly playing a slow melody.
It was then Ophelia noticed him.
Deep eyes of steel and hair dark as night. He was beautiful, angelically so. He was tall, his black robes seemed to only accentuate his height and it fit him rather nicely.
His eyes meet hers suddenly as she continued to look into those cold eyes of steel, she was reminded of a painting she once saw in a book.
A painting of the devil, so beautiful was he, she found herself wondering if this new priest of God in front of her was the man she saw in the book.
Ophelia could no longer hear the soft melodies of the choir.
"Everyone, please welcome Father Andrew"
Body And Soul
FanfictionHe was the unholy disguised as the holy. The sinner who gave false blessings Satanas disguised as a priest. After all, the most delicious souls are those who try to hide it. Those with the most disgustingly, impure thoughts who hide and pray in the...