Chapter 15

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          •"What did you say?" Lucifer looks up at Alastor who just looks away and clear his throat. "N-nothing, erase what I said from your mind." Alastor says annoyed and Lucifer just blushes then looks away. Once they got to the hotel, Alastor looks over to Lucifer who had a loose strand of his golden white hair on his face. Alastor stops at the front door of the hotel and Lucifer did the same, Alastor turns to Lucifer which makes Lucifer also turn. Alastor leans down to Lucifer's level which makes Lucifer slightly irritated but that feeling got removed when he felt Alastor's cold hand place the loose strand out of his forehead. Lucifer looks at him straight in the eyes, surprised by the sudden touch. Alastor looks at him, thinking; how could he be so.. Pretty?

Alastor clears his throat and straightens up. "Ah.. I suppose I'll see you inside?" Alastor says, his radio tone slightly faltering. Lucifer nods and looks away then looks a the door and opens it. Charlie looks over at her father and brightens up, running up to him in excitement. "DAD! DADDD!" Charlie basically screams and Lucifer chuckles. "Yes, dear?" Alastor walks beside him. "STOLAS IS COMING AND THE SIN OF GLUTTONY AND LUST!!! HERE, AT THE BALL!!" Charlie says with enthusiasm and Lucifer nods. "Yes, I invited them. I thought it would be a good idea to invite so maybe.. It could attract more sinners?..." Lucifer chuckles nervously." I dont know, maybe it was a bad idea.." Charlie hugs Lucifer which makes Lucifer jump in surprise." Of course not dad! Your idea is SO helpful!!" Charlie says then looks up at Alastor who was watching them. She breaks the hug and grabs Alastor's arm then Lucifer's, pulling both of them into a hug, their bodies making contact. "I love you guys so so so so so much!!! I could have never done it with you guys..." Charlie says, tearing up. Alastor wa in shock by the sudden touch, he never liked it, so with instinct, he pulls away and jus looks at Charlie with a soft smile.

"I'm pleased to acknowledge that I'm very.." he clears his throat, not used to being this vulnerable. "Special... In your life, darling." Charlie looks up at him, happy tears rolling down her face. "AWW, AL!!" Lucifer looks up at  Alastor with a smile, finally getting to see a vulnerable side from such a cold being. Lucifer looks at Charlie and places a hand on her shoulder. "I'm very grateful to have such a great and brave daughter, and I'm so glad I fell because ..well, I have you." Lucifer says, surprising both Alastor and Charlie. "" Charlie starts to happy cry again. "I'm so glad to have you!!!" She looks at Alastor then Lucifer. "Both of you." Alastor looks away, his ears pinning back before regaining his composure again. "Me too, Charlie." Alastor says, fixing his bow tie.

"Now, I have some things to attend for the ball." Charlie whines. "Wait!! I want to go out and celebrate with everyone!!" "Char, I don't thi-" "EVERYONE!!!" Before Lucifer could finish, Charlie calls everyone over. Angel Dust, Husk, Vaggie, Alastor and Lucifer, Niffty, go over to Charlie to hear what she has to say. "Today we will go out! Angel, invite Cherri Bomb to come over, I want to see how she's doing!!" Charlie says, jumping in excitement and they all just smile. "Right on it." Angel says, winking at Charlie then pulling out his phone and calling Cherri Bomb. Lucifer facepalms and Alastor just chuckles. "Well, Charlie is quite a dear. Isn't she?" Lucifer nods. "Of course she is, she's my daughter after all." Lucifer says with pride. "And adorable like you as well." "Wait what did yo-" Lucifer turned to see that Alastor was gone then scoffs. "Stupid deer."

Lucifer groans in annoyance as he tries to look for his duck pajamas. "Did she really have to suggest to bring PJS to the cinema? And I seriously only have this pajamas..I'm so childish.." Lucifer sighs and grabs out a pajama onesie from his closet. It was bright yellow, it had a hood (the hood obviously had a duck beak and eyes) and it had a zipper, duck tail, and it came with matching duck feet slippers. "Shit."

Angel Dust snickered at Husk which made Husk roll his eyes. "Gee, whiskers, I didn't know ya wore onesies." He laughs and Husk scoffs. All of the residents were waiting downstairs for Lucifer. Alastor was wondering where he is but why does he care? Charlie looked at the elevator, which revealed Lucifer and laughed. Alastor looks over at the elevator and blushes slightly at the sight. Lucifer grumbles as he walks towards Charlie, who was laughing and wheezing. "I-I'm sorry dad but..HAHAHAHA!!" Vaggie cleared her throat, trying so hard not to laugh. Lucifer sighs, "let's just leave." Charlie nods and calls everyone over, all of them following her and Alastor walks beside Lucifer, looking down at him. "My my~ what a pleasant sight." He snicks and Lucifer just crosses his arms as he walks. "Not. A. Word." Lucifer grumbles angrily and Alastor just hums.

Lucifer looks up and down at Alastor, then scoffing. "You looks the same as usual. Is that your day clothing or what?" Lucifer says annoyed as they walked out of the hotel, everyone in front of them talking to each other. Alastor snickers. "Of course not, this is an exquisite night clothing. Only one of a kind, of course. It looks the same because my ta-" Lucifer raises a hand up to Alastor to stop him from yapping. "Okay okay, I understand." He puts down his hand as they walked. Alastor looks down at Lucifer, admiring how cute he looks.

Once all of them arrived to the cinema, Charlie told them that the only available movies were horror movies which made Angel Dust, Husk, and of course Niffty happy. Alastor just stood there like usual while Lucifer inhales sharply. He despised horror movies.

All of them waited for a bit, Cherri Bomb eventually went in and walked towards them. "What's up hoes?" Cherri Bomb says while Angel walks towards her with his usual smirk. "Hey, dollface. Haven't seen ya in a fucking while." Angel said while Cherri just laughed. "Well I had to take a break from ya'll. Fucking pests." Angel just snickered and Charlie happily walked towards her. "OH EM GEE!! I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN CHERRI!!" Charlie said while basically jumping up and down but not quite. Cherri lets out a hum with a big smirk on her face. "Nice to see ya again." "Okay! Now that you're hereeee." She turns to the others. "We're going to be watching Smile 2!" (That movie scared the shit out of me bro.) "Soooo..." she pulls out the movie tickets and winks at Vaggie. "Angel, you're sitting with Husk. Niffty, you're sitting with me and Vaggie. Cherri, you're next to Angel andddd.." she giggles. "Dad with Al!" Alastor and Lucifer looked up at each other, both of them looking away quickly with embarrassment.

Charlie tells everyone what row they're in. Alastor cursing under his breath. "Damn it. That feeling. I despise this with all my being." Lucifer looks up at Alastor and just blushes.


Author's note: GUYS I POSTED. By the way, I am also very sick right now so I'm sorry if the next chapter is a little late </3.

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