Watch Your Mouth (I.N. 💦)

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The mountain of pages I called my textbook laid open in front of me, the content mocking my confusion as I read the same page for the third time now. A fruitless effort on my part, seeing as how no matter how many times I've read the material, it confuses me further. I decided to cut my losses and reach out to my professor via email for further clarification per her own recommendation at the beginning of the semester.

I no sooner had finished sending the email when a car horn blared at me from a few yards away, pulling my head up in surprise. Jeongin sat patiently, waving sweetly to me from his parked car and I hurried to gather my belongings off the courtyard table, eager to be free from Friday's torturous syllabus. With quick strides, I made it to the car in no time and deposited my belongings to the backseat before hopping into the passenger seat.

"Hey jagi, how was class today?" Jeongin asked, leaning over to give me a quick kiss before I strapped in.

"Fuckin' dogshit, like usual," I groaned but shot him the sweetest smile I could muster while he winced at my words.

"Was it really that bad again? Or are you exaggerating?" He questioned while starting the car. He reversed out of the spot and drove towards the exit of the university's student parking lot.

"I mean, the class itself isn't THAT bad," I admitted, "I just don't understand shit in it and every goddamn person there is struggling too so I can't exactly ask them for help either."

"Remind me why you're taking it again then if you hate it so much?"

"It's necessary for my degree, sadly."

He hummed his response and we continued our drive, on route to a new restaurant we've been wanting to try for a few weeks now. We'd originally planned on making it a date night outing but I had begged and pleaded to go today after my class as a reward for me making it through the day. Jeongin didn't want to give in too easily, but I made a pretty convincing argument; I refused to get out of bed and go to class if we couldn't. Was it a bratty move? Yes. Am I a brat, though? Also, yes.

Before we could make any further conversation, my phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket to check the notification. A small wave of relief washed over me when I saw it was a reply from my professor and I rushed to open it.

"What's up, hun?" Jeongin curiously asked.

"Oh, I emailed my professor before you picked me up," I explained as I tapped my password into my homescreen, "I finally said screw it and asked her for help with this current lesson."

"I'm proud of you for reaching out for help because I'm sure that was diffic-"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!" I cut him off, hollering louder than necessary. A storm of frustration started to swell up within me, the rage about to burst out like water to a dam. A startled jeongin had slammed on the breaks, emitting a horrible screeching sound as the both of us lurched forward, only to be jolted back into place by our seatbelts.

"Y/N!" He shouted, quickly looking around to make sure no other cars were around as we had suddenly halted. "You scared me! And is the language necessary?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay?!" I apologized half-heartedly, not yet understanding what a commotion I had caused, "But this is such bullshit!" I waved my phone around, flashing the email I had just read in his direction, not that he was paying much attention as he was focused on regaining his composure through deep breaths. "I mean, how the fuck does this help?? All she said was 'read the textbook'. Maybe if she read the fucking email I sent her, she woulda seen that I DID read the damn thing!"

Jeongin's head snapped up and almost immediately, he floored it. The sudden velocity had me thrown back against the seat and my heart skipped a beat at the instantaneous fear that infiltrated my being. My entire body tensed up and goosebumps shot down both of my arms, littering my bare skin as he sped down the street. I didn't dare look at him as I found myself incapable of averting my eyes from the road, worrying about getting into a potential accident. I racked my brain for a reason as to his abrupt reaction and after some silence, it finally dawned on me; I was the reason he was upset.

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