Loving eachother is all we did (PatPran) [2/2]

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Ming won’t ever admit it to anyone’s face but he regrets hurting Dissaya, maybe if he wasn’t so self-absorbed and egoistic he would have apologized long ago and avoided the whole drama, in his mind he did give up a few of his business associates and employees to make up for his mistakes but he knows it’s not even near to enough.

He was ashamed of his actions but not enough to give up his pride, who would have thought he would have to pay a higher price in the future?

Attached to different tubes and wires was not how he expected to see his son after the truth came out, a part of him practically hated his son for loving the enemy’s son but it didn’t matter anymore. Not when their life was on the line.

It’s funny isn’t it, how you spend your whole life trying to bend things to your own accord, breaking it multiple times in the process but the moment you realize that few more hits and that you’ll lose it forever you don’t even know why you were trying in the first place.

You spend years ignoring the fact that your actions have consequences but when you receive them, it seems unfair. The price seems too much to pay.

He stood silently as he heard about the depth of the bond his son shared with his lover, as he heard his daughter again and again taunting, threatening everyone to keep her brothers safe, he stood silently when Pran woke up and remembered only Pat.

He would spend the whole day in the room without talking to anyone, it wasn’t like anyone was making an effort to talk to him either. He heard silently as the kids started telling all about the moments they shared with Pran.

He heard everything about his son’s life he never knew. If his conclusion was anywhere close enough to the truth when Pat woke up it won’t be a pretty sight. If the possessiveness everyone talked about was even 10% true, Pat was never going to go back to his usual bubbly self, a bit rebellious but obedient kid.

He’ll never forgive Ming for pushing them to the edge, for being the cause of this whole mess, for possibly endangering Pran’s life.

He heard from his wife how Pran had nightmares of Pat being hurt, being away from him, and how his son was the only source of comfort for the kid, he felt the guilt hitting him with full force.

They clearly meant life to each other.

About a week after the incident, he walked into the room just to see Pran, asleep curled up against Pat instead of lying on his own bed, he was allowed to move around as his worst injuries were on the upper half of his body but what surprised him was the serenity on his own son’s face who was very much awake, staring at Pran while caressing his hairs.

Pat looked up as he heard the door and his face lost all expressions, there was no love, no anger, no fear just sheer indifference, he greeted both of his parents formally but stayed mute.

Paa wasn’t in the room, she went out to get breakfast while Dissaya sat on the other side of the room away from the eyesight of Pat who now held onto Pran as if he owned him. And oh, if it wasn’t the possessiveness in its full prominence.

If anyone thought Pran’s love was too much, Pat took it to a whole new level. While Pran was a silent lover, an introvert, and almost a goody-two-shoes for the whole world, Pat was loud, extroverted, openly expressive, and laced with arrogance.

The only one who saw Pran without his walls of perfection was Pat and the only one allowed to see Pat stripped of his arrogance other than Pa was Pran.

Yes, Pat had past flings but he never lost his composure, and his image yet in front of Pran, he has always been an overbearing, whiny child.

No, it wasn’t because he loved to irritate Pran, but because Pran knew Pat inside out, He always saw past all the cool and arrogant facade and not even once entertained Pat’s outrageous overconfidence.

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