Mehmet and his loyal soldiers with the help of Chechens they carried out a rogue operation to search and rescue naima. They used a large soy network of the tribe . They captured the families of the west and European top commanders for the exchange of naima . The west and Europe decided to send soldiers to rescue the captured family members but the team sent was anahilated. Things got out of hands and the west decided it's best to release naima and rescue the captured family members inorder not face Critisims from the army too comsnders and influential people . Naima went back to Russia and then to dornod province. After her release
The reborn of empire
ActionShort summary The book is about four brothers Mehmet , Mustapha , Malick and Mahsein who fought together inorder to establish a strong standing Islamic empire called Al- nur empire which was a key to bring justice to all religions and races. The pa...