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As I was fishing as a country would do but really I was just bored I was in a tiny boat minding my own business then out of nowhere a big ahh Ottoman ship comes right infront of me like such a show off.

Yeah but anyway Romania got independence and also Serbia which is great cause that means I am not alone

None of them have really changed accept Serbia staying close to Russia and Romania being Romania and then I think about Bulgaria and wonder if she has gotten any ideas for independence.

Sometimes I think about Armenia i have no idea still what happened to him but since I am an independent country I guess I can do whatever I want i could go and look for him but I doubt I could actually find a trace of him as I am sure Ottoman made sure he could never be found again.
Maybe he is dead maybe he is alive I have no idea

But I always forget about Montenegro they also just got independence I am not sure if I have even mentioned them before a quiet country in my opinion every time I saw them they were either sleeping or daydreaming especially during working times Ottoman wouldn't even care guessing the favourite orphan.

Yeah but today was a long day I just wanted the day to end and to relax!
Hey I may not seem like it to others but yeah I enjoy relaxing and no it's not called being a little bit lazy if I want a break once in a while!

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