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Name: Lizz Noceda

Age: same as Luz but a few minutes younger.

Hair color: dark brown with a bit of black stripes.

Eye Color: dark greyish blue

Voice claim: Pidge (Voltron)

Also Known As: Lizzy (Luz),  nerdy lady (King), and Weirdo #2 (bullies. Also Luz is "weirdo #1")

Family: Luz Noceda (older twin), Camila Noceda (mom),  Manny Noceda (dad deceased)

Friends/Allies: Eda Clawthorne, King, Willow Park, Augustus "Gus" Porter, Amity Blight, Golden Guard/Hunter, Lilith Clawthorne (Currently), Alador Blight, Darius, The Resistance Against Belos, Raine Whispers, Skara, Viney, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Vee, Zee

Enemies: Emperor Belos, Odalia Blight, Kikimora, Lilith Clawthorne (Formerly), The Collector, Darius (Formerly), The Emperor's Coven, Abomatons, The Collector, Jacob Hopkins, Abomatron

Love Interests: Golden Guard/Hunter

Palisman: ZYZY (a moth *gets it in the finale*)

Likes: Supernatural, Blue, Drawing, movies, reading, Her family, her friends, good witch Azura, kpop music

Bio: Liz, short for Elizabeth, is a goofy, funny, brave (sometimes), nerdy, and a smart girl who loves to hang out with her twin, Luz. She loves to read The Good Witch Azura, draw, watch movies, and talk (ALOT)! 

Weaknesses: her ADHD, her gullibility, being super unfit, and super harsh insults.

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