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As some may not know I managed to take Peloponnese and still the Ottoman can't take it back and now the Egyptians are helping him and he managed to invade along with Athens, the Acropolis
and now Missolonghi.
But luckily I managed to get some help from Russia,France and Great Britain
So I am just waiting on them

And now I am experiencing a civil war wow this isn't good haha just my luck

And Serbia has now recovered well kinda as he can breathe normally just has trouble walking normal well he can walk but not well!
Serbia is lucky to have me, he owes me though as i used my recourses on him nothing comes free in this reality.

And recently I have been dreaming about my mother and seeing hallucinations of her I am slowly going insane I hear her voice she is always near me is this a sign?!?
During attacks I see her and she distracts me then I get hurt! She is trying to kill me I swear.
Maybe because I haven't slept recently I am experiencing hallucinations?
OH GOSH this gives me headaches every time I think about it too bad you can't talk to ghosts cause I would ask her why she is torturing me, I already see Ottomans face everyday.

But yeah this week has been an absolute blast for me so yeah!

I am gonna miss looking after Serbia reminds me off the days where we use to mess around in Constantinople messing with Ottomans work and fighting Türkiye that's the only good bits we didn't like the consequences.. but we can talk about that when we have a therapist
But now he is well I don't even wanna say it..

Update :


ME THE GREAT HELLENIC REPUBLIC IS FINALLY INDEPENDENT suck on that Ottoman well I mean the man did give me independence and I wouldn't have done it without Russia,France and Great Britain but oh gosh I loved Ottomans reaction when he signed the treaty of Constantinople declaring me as an independent state free of Ottoman control so now I am officially an independent country.

But yeah the man did agree to sign anything at the conference to end the war..

But NOW I am officially know as Kingdom of Greece!
AS I know have a monarch! And I don't have to listen to the Ottoman Empire!

Finally now I am a real country and now I can rest.
I heard Romania started some revolutions social and political rebellions I think that's what I heard
Good luck to Romania

But this is about me now
And my new beginning!

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