~ Chapter one ~

45 3 8

~ Tragedy ~
(This chapter starts one month before Proluge takes place)

Reaper wakes up, he notices Geno is not in the bed... He is most likely already making breakfast. Reaper gets out of bed, not really wanting to, and skretches himself, his feathers puff a bit... He takes his clothes and dresses up, then yawns loudly and skretches once again.
After that he goes down into the kitchen.

"Hey Gennn... Good morning"
Said Reaper and throws himself in the chair, the kitchen is smelling amazing, bacon and eggs are frying on the stove, Geno takes the ladle and puts the bacon and egg on the plate, then Geno puts the breakfast before the hungry bird and chuckles, he seems in good mood.

"Not a morning bird huh? Had a bad sleep?"
Geno sits at his place and starts eating his own breakfast.

Reaper first hasitates but when Geno looks at him with a curious eye, he decides to tell him.

"Eh... Yeah, I had a weird nightmare... I was in a cage... And you were there with me, then my brother appeared but a big black hand grabbed him... Pulling him away somewhere..."
Said Reaper and sights, then sits normally and starts eating.

"That's weird yeah... Maybe just a nightmare? Nothing special."
Said Geno and continued eating.

For a minute there is silence, they both eat and keep quiet. Reaper tries not to think about that weird dream.

After that, Geno went to put the dishes to wash and went to finish something, meanwhile Reaper goes to brush his feathers, to look at least somewhat presentable.
"Do i look okay?"

"Yeah, like a clown as usual"
Said Geno and smiles at his joke as the taller groans in annoyance.

After Reaper is done, he walks next to Geno, seeing hes preparing some potions.

"Sooo, what are we doing today Gen?"
Asks Reaper and stares at the potion.

"Well we have an unexpected mission today, I made some rare potions that Nightmare, ordered. But because he lives a while away, we will go half the way and meet Dust who will take them."

The prince looks excited, he likes those small outings.

"Oh... Okay! I will take my things, i guess we gotta go right away?"
Geno is surprised at Reaper's excitement, but seems really in a good mood as he smiles.

"We are going in like an hour, get prepared but it won't be a long trip. We still have a lot of things to do at home, that's why i wanted that Dust will pick them up."

(Time skip)

"The forest is very pretty here"
Said Reaper and looked around, the beautiful trees and leaves of different colors all around, wild flowers and weird shining rocks, also a deer in the distance eats grass but as it notices those two, it rather runs away.
"But not as nearly as pretty as you~"

Geno hits Reaper to the side
"Oh god... Can you ever stop?"

Geno sees few houses in the distance, that's the Villige close to the spot they will meet with Dust, meaning that soon they are there.
"We are almost there, we will give the potions to him and then we can have a stop somewhere to eat lunch, what about that?"

"Yes! I'm getting hungryyy"
Reaper says and Geno rolls his eyes
"You are very quirky today..."

Reaper chuckles
"And you seem in a good mood since i got hit only twice throughout the whole trip."

As they enjoy the warm sun and pretty forest, they finally arrive at the meeting place...

But the call and warm atmosphere falls as Geno gets pale, his eyes fill with horror.

Dust is one leg in a bear trap, he tries to get out but it's clear it hurts like hell.

"Dust! What happened to you?! Let me help you out-" Geno runs beside Dust to help him out but Dust pushes him away

"It's a trap! Run! Both of you!"
Geno Stands up looking around, he notices that the bear trap is tied to a tree with a chain.

Then from the shadow of trees, four witch hunters walk out. One with a crossbow, one with a sword, one with a spear and last with a magic proof net.

Geno looks around and looks angry, he spreads his wings ready to fight, while Reaper tries to remember at least one fight spell, if he even knows one...

Geno throws a spell at one Witch hunter with the net, and it hits him, making him fall to the ground and scream from pain angrily.

Another Witch hunter prepares his crossbow and tries to shoot Geno, but the White Raven makes a shield and it protects him and Dust for a brief second.

Reaper is helpless, he wants to help Dust but he doesn't know how. While Geno fights the Hunter with a crossbow, Reaper is hesitating,
he is scared of what to do to not hurt him more.

Then, right before his eyes... One of the hunters stabs Dust with a spear... Reaper stares in horror as Dust falls to the ground, Reaper's hands are covered in Dusts blood... The Hunter with a Spear tries to attack Reaper, but Geno notices the situation and shields him.

It all went too fast.
Geno's eyes are wide with horror, he could save Dust... But now when there's nothing to save, he grabs Reaper and turns into a best, with a big load of magic smoke they both dissipeared from the Hunters.

Reaper is in shock, he still can't process it...
When Geno is sure that they are far Enough, they land and he helps Reaper sit against a tree.

"I know this is a lot... Just try to be calm..."

But Reaper is like in trance

"I... I hasitated... I hesitated at the moment he needed me the most! If i just didn't... I could have saved him..."

Reaper breathes deeply, he is shaking... Everything hurts... Everything is blurry... Then Geno speaks.

"I know... I know how you feel, but it wasn't your fault. It's not your fault... You didn't wanted it... Or had hands in it"

"But i could avoid it! And I hadn't! Because I'm weak! Becuse im... Stupid! And he is not the first one that i just watched being killed! What about all those people that i watched being burned! That my father executed! I could help them! Yessss it would probably cost me the throne... but still! I CANT EVEN SAVE WHO I CARE ABOUT!"

Reaper is shaking, feathers grow from stress and Geno just stares at him, tears forming in his eyes...

Geno watches him, hugs him from the side... A small rare affection... But needed now. Reaper breaks down into tears, Geno also cries. But silently...

They sit there for a while, both too shocked and scared to speak or do anything... Geno had been through something similar before, but it always hurts.

After a while, Geno helps Reaper to stand up and they fly home, Geno in his beast form carries Reaper... When they get home, Reaper locks himself in his room.

~ End of Chapter one ~

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