Musical Performance

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(Long time ago, Dragon's Lodge four kids played before they go to bed.)

Celine: I'm an evil dragon, I'm after you.

Crystal: Ahh! Please someone save me.

Alvin: I will save you. (Celine pretend she scratches him.) Agh, now evil dragon.

Crystal: Someone help me.

Cleo: Do worry, I'm your guardian is here.

Celine: What are you going to do.

Cleo: I go to hug you. (She hugs them.)

Alvin: Thank you, save.

Celine: You true guardian.

(Their parents come in.)

Tina: Okay kids, time to go to bed.

Kids: Awww. Five more minutes please....

Scott: We did now time for bed, (Point at Celine & Alvin) you two have Ancient Dragon training and you (Point at Crystal) have Elemental training and you (Point at Cleo) have... (Realize it) umm... guardian training.  (Tina pulled him aside.)

Tina: (Whisper) Guardian... at is legal are families to try but we never get it.

Scott: (Whisper) Try think something, I remember Cleo didn't have elemental or Ancient Dragon stuff. I feel bad, she didn't get anything.

Cleo: (Concern) Mom and dad is their problem?

Scott & Tina: nothing. It's time for bed.

Kids: Please...

Cleo: Mom, can you sing for us before bed.

Crystal: Yeah sing.

Alvin: Please... mom.

Celine: You sing beautifully.

Tina: Why not.

Kids: Yeah.

Alvin: What song are you going to sing?

Tina: All Is Found.

Celine: What is it about Mom?

Tina: Listen, this story is about Dragon's Lodge Legend. 

Tina: Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far, or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?

(Alvin, Crystal & Celine fell sleep except Cleo)

Cleo: What is it about?

Tina: It's about the Guardian. It protects family and friends.

Cleo: I know dad told me training to be a guardian but I am not, I'm nothing.

Tina: No, (Sit with her bed) if you special just we don't know you have find it. Listen to the song more about it. (Song) Oh, I will sing for you, my dear
And in this song, all my heart goes
Be brave and sail beyond your fear
Seek what the water has to show

Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost... then all is found

(Cleo fell asleep.)

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