Chapter 8

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– Y'all ain't gonna graduate like that, just saying... –, Yooyeon turned away and started walking up the ramp that led to the university's main campus.



– Ouch! –, Seoyeon jumped back, surprised: – What was that for!

The middle-school girl's eyes were shining brighter than fireworks: – Did you- –, she pointed at Yooyeon, – see that?!? –, then she pointed at herself, restless, clearly trying to suggest something that Seoyeon was totally not getting:

– See what??

Smack!: – That!

– Ah! Can you please stop hitting my shoulder??

Yooyeon Unnie looked at me and said! –, the middle-school girl jumped on a podium and, slightly lowering her chin and turning her face to the side, raised an eyebrow into her best impression of a lightskin stare and extended her hand towards Seoyeon, lowering her voice: – "Here, follow me". To me! She said that to me!! Did you see THAT?!?

– Gosh, this girl's out of it...

The middle-school girl grabbed Seoyeon's hand, nothing but flowers and rainbows behind her eyes: Can you imagine?? She looked at me, –, her expression changed again, – and said-

– Stop moving your eyebrows around!, nobody tried to rizz you!

– "Come with me, babygirl, don't be afraid. You and I, together, on a journey to the world's en-

Bonk!: – And that part was in your head!

– Gosh, what can I do? –, the middle-school girl let go of Seoyeon and dramatically staggered on the floor, casting an arm over her face in torment: – How could I make her fall in love with me so quickly! I'm such a Lamine Yamal!


– A what?

Les Fleurs du mal!

– Say that again?

– Fa.. fe... fer... fem... –, the electrical circuit in the middle-school girl's brain was starting to overheat: – Femme...

– ... Femme fatale? –, Seoyeon tried, perplexed.

That!, exactly what I said. And now? –, there was genuine distress in the middle-school girl's voice: – What can I do? – She got up on her knees and looked at the bright sky, asking for advice: – Be selfish, or do the right thing?

– Wow!, how did I get that?? –, Seoyeon looked at her hands in disbelief and tried to shoot a spiderweb from her wrist: – Bonjour? Can I actually speak French? Is it like a superpower?? Merci b... beau... beau... ...?

– To be or not to be? –, the middle-school girl, in the meantime, was still busy with her dramatic monologue, shaking her head and grasping her chest where her heart was, and the people around her were starting to look at her weird: – Say yes to heaven, say yes to me?? But don't you know how sweet it tastes, now that I'm without you??? Argh!, I have no idea what I'm saying!!! –, she was in full meltdown: – I wanna become an idol!

Beau... S... S.Coups...? Y- yeah, probably not... –, Seoyeon, who was still busy with her language assessment, lowered the visor of her cap, embarrassed, and looked down, only then spotting the middle-school girl grabbing a stranger's hand.

You! –, the girl was exclaiming while the guy, terrified, was trying to get away: – What do say, would you mind your business or would you go around posting bad comments against a group if it had two members that are marri-

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