ੈ✩‧₊˚ chapter eighteen - junkyard

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Bakugou didn't visit Iyana a week after that, which she didn't seem to mind. She had gotten into a new routine; wake up, clean the house, meal prep, more chores, sleep.

Okay, maybe she did mind. Iyana was itching to get out of the house at this point. Iyana would never admit it, but she left the window open a little bit incase he did swing by.

It was probably unsafe, but whatever. Iyana peered out the window, it was around midnight already, the sky in a dark navy color.

Iyana slides off her slippers off her bed and lays on her stomach, a book in her hand as she kicks her feet up and down.

Tonight, Iyana had decided that she had enough of waiting for Bakugou. Instead of her usual patterned pajamas, she decided to wear a brown bear onesie. It would be embarrassing if Bakugou saw it, but she didn't count on him coming anyways.

The book in her hands was a murder mystery book, which was based off a true story. The main character, which was a teenage girl like Iyana, would be kidnapped then brutally murdered. The plot revolved around the case and how a detective had solved it.

Currently, Iyana was flipping through the pages, suspense thickening as the detective gets closer to solving the case until a voice speaks behind Iyana.

"What are you doing?" The voice says behind Iyana, causing her to drop her book. She quickly scrambles towards the headboard and takes a pillow, turning around and using it to shield her face.

Huh. Maybe Iyana was just hearing things. It could just be that Iyana was so spooked from the book that her mind was playing tricks on her.

She slowly lowered the pillow, blonde spikes and red eyes coming into view.

"Seriously?" He grins, "I don't know what to laugh at more, your sad scrambling or that outfit."

Iyana rolls her eyes and chucks the pillow at his face, which he unfortunately catches. "I didn't think you were coming today."

Bakugou sits down on the corner of Iyana's bed, uninvited. "Shut up and put your shoes on."

"Who said you could sit on my bed?" Iyana huffs, climbing out the bed and putting on her shoes.

"I did." The blond proclaims confidently, crossing his arms as Iyana lets out a small sigh.


"Where are we even going? We've been walking for a while now" Iyana whines, crossing her arms as they walk down an empty sidewalk, streetlights illuminating the streets.

"It's been five minutes, hit a gym sometime. Your endurance is shit." Bakugou snarls in reply.

Iyana lets out a fake gasp, holding a hand to her chest. "You calling me fat? Let's see you step on a scale and then we'll talk."

He rolls his eyes, "You know what I meant."

The brunette replies with giving Bakugou a sideways glance, which he grumbles in reply.

After a couple more minutes of walking, the two arrive at a junkyard? Seriously, its all just beat up old cars and rusty machines.

"So.. this seems fun..."

"Shut the fuck up, I didn't even say what we're here for yet"

"What are you waiting for?"

Bakugou rubs the bridge of his nose irritatingly, then continues. "This place is a junkyard, full of useless shit that nobody gives a crap about."

"I can see that."

"Fucking smartass."

A large bat is suddenly thrown towards Iyana, which she just barely catches. It was a baseball bat, but why would Bakugou give it to her?

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