Pokémon are designed after many things, including inanimate objects, creatures from various different mythologies, and of course all sorts of animals found in the real world, the latter of which being the topic of this here chapter.
At the time this chapter was written and published, the most current main series games out are Scarlet and Violet, which has finally given us a pair of dolphin pokémon after years of fans wanting one.
While I'm happy there's now an evolutionary line of dolphin mons, there are still tons of animals that haven't been made into a pokémon yet, so I'll be going over 15 of them that I really want to see happen along with proposed ideas on what I'd do with them, and I encourage you to give me some of your own choices and ideas in the comments if you want.
Also, I thought about including pictures of each animal, but I decided against it because I didn't want to trigger anyone's phobia.
(As an arachnophobe, I completely understand what it's like to be jumpscared by an image of the animal I'm afraid of/hate.)
This is gonna be a pretty laid back chapter, and most of my picks aren't in any particular order except for the top 3 or 4, so without further ado, on to number fifteen.
15 - Clownfish
There are so many beautiful fish species in our world, and the clownfish is one of the most iconic thanks to Finding Nemo.
Knowing Game Freak, they'd probably make a pure water type clownfish pokémon, but to add an interesting spin on it, I propose making it a regional variant of Finneon and Lumineon, thus making two rather forgettable fish pokémon a bit more memorable.
I imagine that someday we'll get a clownfish pokémon, but until then, all I can do is imagine one of my own.
#14 - Tarantula Hawk
Ok, this pick is solely because of my hatred for all things eight legged and crawly.
For anyone who doesn't know what a tarantula hawk is, it's a type of parasitic wasp, and you can probably guess what animal it parasitizes.
We already have a couple bee and wasp pokémon (including my beloved Beedrill), but I have an interesting idea for a potential tarantula hawk pokémon.
I'd make it either bug/poison or bug dark, and give it a special ability that makes any move it learns be super effective against bug types, which is a way to represent how these wasps target arachnids and insects.
This will probably never happen, but it's still a cool concept I came up with, and I'd never pass up the opportunity to showcase how much I absolutely despise spiders.
Seriously, all spiders belong in Hell and I will not apologize for thinking that.
Moving on!
#13 - Capybara
There's a lot of pokémon based on rodents.
Skunks, rabbits, ferrets, mice, rats, mongooses, etc.
All of these animals have at least one pokémon designed after them....except for the capybara, which is the largest rodent in the world.
For the typing of my proposed capybara pokémon, I'd either go with ground/normal like Diggersby, or normal/water like Bibarel.
Capybaras are just so cute and are extremely friendly, which makes them a prime candidate for a future route 1 normal type, but hopefully with stats more akin to Stoutland rather than Linoone or Furret.
Beedrill2001 Presents : Let's Talk Pokémon
RandomA book in which I share my thoughts about various pocket monster related things, including top 10s, game mechanics, and more.