Part 132 - D-Day...

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It was now Saturday morning, and the entire Kim house was in effervescence. It was the D-Day, only few hours were left before Jin and Namjoon's wedding. Ha-Ri and Hyerin spent the night in Ha-Ri's house to prepare themselves in the morning with the help of the wedding organizers that Namjoon had hired few days ago.

 Ha-Ri and Hyerin spent the night in Ha-Ri's house to prepare themselves in the morning with the help of the wedding organizers that Namjoon had hired few days ago

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Hoseok: Are you ready? Because if you want to change your mind, it's now or never!

Jin: If I wasn't ready, I wouldn't have asked her hand.

Namjoon: I was ready the moment I saw her!

Hoseok: Such a good talker... I don't know how you didn't win Ha-Ri's heart to marry you sooner!

Namjoon: Ask that to him! He took so long to finally find a girl...

Jin: Whoua... is it because you will become someone's husband today that you forgot how to respect your older brother? I didn't take time to find a girl, I was waiting for my woman to show up in my life... it's different! And seeing you being rejected... was funny...

Namjoon: (He was shocked.) A stab in the back...

Hoseok: Guys... it's all behind you now, don't argue with each others in such an important day!

Namjoon: Hum... you're right. The most important thing is that I'm going to marry the woman I love today.

Hoseok: We should head to the place of the ceremony. Yoongi is taking care of having your future brides and their family over there.

Jin: Jimin went early with Minah, and Taehyung is driving with Jungkook and the kids, right?

Hoseok: Yes. Yejin and Dad were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago too. And my job, as one of your best man, is to have you be on time for your wedding, so let's go! 

Fully dressed, the three men went downstairs where they joined Taehyung, Jungkook, Y/N and Kwan, ready to leave too. Mr Kim had a car sent to Ji-Won's apartment to pick up the young man. Sohyun and her boyfriend will head to the ceremony directly with Jun.

Hoseok: Boys, Y/N, our stars of the day are ready.

Y/N: Whouah... You both look amazing!

Jin: Thank you, Sweetie.

Jungkook: It's finally times... after waiting for so long to marry Ha-Ri Noona, can you believe that it's really happening Hyung...

Namjoon: It's true that I had to wait but it's worth it!

Hoseok: And if you want that to happen, we have to go!

Taehyung: JK... when Hobi Hyung will get married, you will be his best man... I will be the one for Jimin... with Hobi, it will be stressful!

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