The girls bathroom of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy... a most gloomy place for our assortment of heroes. With cracked mirrors, chipped sinks, and guttering candles, it appeared to be in more terrible shape than the Halloween night when a troll was let loose in the school. Yet this was where Harry, Ron, the Student Six, and the CMC huddled together, over a small, bubbling cauldron, as Hermione added some strange ingredients. One would think that the students had the whole place to themselves, under the noses of the professors currently undergoing their own concerns over the previous course of events...
At least, that would be the case, had Professor Sunset Shimmer weren't part of this gathering alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle and the remainder of the Mane Six. When they heard word over what happened with Colin Creevey and the discussion shared amongst Dumbledore and the princesses over the Chamber of Secrets, they knew something was going on. The very topic in general still swam over their heads as they tried to process this new input.
"Again?" Hermione questioned. "You mean, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?"
"From the sound of it, yeah," Sandbar confirmed.
"And the teachers were really worried," Ocellus voiced concern.
"That would make sense," Rarity nodded understandingly. "We've never seen them this spooked before."
"They're always watching over their shoulders," Sweetie Belle added. "Constantly checking on every student before and after classes."
"But why hasn't any pony found it?" Twilight questioned.
"Because it's... a secret?" Rainbow Dash presumed sarcastically.
WHACK! A swipe from Applejack's tail left a huge red mark along Rainbow's flank, and the Pegasus reared in pain before glaring at her mare friend, while massaging a very tender wound.
"Don't you sass there, Rainbow," Applejack scolded.
"I think I know what Twilight meant," Sunset Shimmer theorized. "If the Chamber of Secrets was a big deal back then, why hasn't any pony or anyone made a mission to find it? If something horrible is still down there, who's to say that the Benefactor and his group won't go down there if that's what they're looking for?"
"The Benefactor could be a her," Pinkie Pie corrected. "We don't know it's a man."
"From what Celestia and Dumbledore informed me," Twilight Sparkle answered. "When Salazar Slytherin made the chamber, he built it to ensure no one would ever find it. It must be someplace no one would ever think to look."
"But wouldn't they have archives on something like that?" Smolder pointed out.
"Yona no think they do," Yona shook her head. "If chamber open back then, teachers try to cover up incident."
"Yona's right!" Silverstream gasped in realization. "If every student's parents found out about it, they'd stop sending theirs and future students here. Hogwarts would end up becoming an abandoned castle like the Castle of the Two Sisters!"
"Of course! Don't you see?" Ron butted in. "Lucius Malfoy must've opened it when he was at school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it."
"It does sound scary," Fluttershy whimpered.
"Hmm... ah'm not sure about that," Apple Bloom pondered. "Somethin's really off."
"What do you mean?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.
"Ah'm not sure, but somethin' tells me the chamber must've been opened... long before Lucious was born. Ah could be wrong, ah don't know..."
"Besides, Draco's too much of a wimp," Sunset Shimmer added. "He couldn't even man up when I demanded his apology after what he said to Hermione, or when he only pulled a muscle after that fall at the Quidditch game."
Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
AdventureThe Mane Six and Spike, along with the Young Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a second year of schooling. They will reunite once more with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger for...