I need your help

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Hey guys, I need your help. So I had a chapter ready to go the other day but then at the last minute I had some new ideas and decided to see where they lead me. However, I'm worried I'm changing/adding too much to the HP universe, but I also want to end this story with a bang so to speak. I want this to still feel like the Harry Potter universe, I don't want to do anything too drastic or extreme such as giving Lara god tier magic/power or making her the goddess of magic or something ridiculous like that. I hope I haven't done anything like that, but you guys will be the judge of that and that's why I need your input in how to handle the following issues. I'd also appreciate it if you try and justify your answers as that will increase the likelihood I use it. Bear in mind that just because the majority of you suggest something doesn't necessarily mean I will do it, but I will at least consider it.

Originally the next chapter would have been just a bonus chapter. Not so much an epilogue but instead it would involve Lara and present-day Hogwarts, as well as some other things that I can't say without spoiling things. Following this is an epilogue focused more on Lara and her life as an Elf. My question for you guys is, at the moment this is all in one extra-long chapter (around 6000 words with 22 minutes of read time, usually my chapters are around 2000 words and average of like 12 minutes. A few are around 4000.) Would you prefer to have this split into two separate chapters? An epilogue chapter and then a bonus chapter (the Hogwarts related bonus chapter would now become the epilogue and Lara's life as an elf would be the bonus chapter)? Or would you prefer one long chapter?

Next, I've done a bit of research for information and inspiration. Pretty much everything I've read says that Elfs are immortal and can live for like tens of thousands of years but can still be killed. Would you rather have Lara be immortal like this and live forever (she'd probably never be able to reunite with friends and family that have passed away, like Natsai or Poppy unless they had magic portraits), or would you prefer her to be immortal but die after living for a few centuries or a few thousand years (if so how old)? Or would you rather have it where elves just have long lives (not immortal) but can die from old age (again how old)?

Next, do you want me to go in depth with elf culture? If so do you have any suggestions?

Do you know any interesting magical creatures (has to be humanoid or at least capable of speech) I could add that aren't already in the HP universe (such as Lamia, Naga, Satyrs, etc.)?

Finally, do you want Lara to be involved in fighting back against Voldemort and the Death Eaters (this is not a WBWL story, Harry is the one who will kill Voldemort)? Or should she and Dumbledore get rid of the Horcruxes (including Harry's scar) before he returns (this means Goblet of Fire wouldn't have happened. However, it might allow me to do something with Fleur and etc.)?

Thats all I can think of at the moment but I'm sure I'll think of something later. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to mention them (unless you are reading this after I've uploaded the next parts). I'll try and have the next part(s) uploaded as soon as I feel comfortable with the endings, hopefully I'll have them ready to post next week.        

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