A/N: Hey all! This is the first part of book two from this series, Trying to Survive Sucks. I'm in the process of combining the two books to make one large story! Don't worry, I'll also be completing this story once they are successfully combined. Thanks for reading!
So, I bet you're wondering why i'm back to tell another part of this story if I'm now living like a normal person who's not under the constant threat of murderers.
Well, if I told you now, I'd spoil the whole story. So, just be patient and read along, please.
Because I did live a normal life for a while, about ten years, before it all went downhill again. But, let me start at the beginning.
After we won the Black War (That's what everyone started calling it), none of my friends and I seemed to know what to do with all the time we had on our hands. Y'know, not having to spend every second worrying really frees up a huge amount of time. You should try it.
Mostly, we focused our energy into rebuilding the Lost Cities. Eternalia was almost fine. Dex and his gang had been the ones to destroy it the most, actually, since they blew up a bunch of Neverseen warehouses and stuff.
Atlantis was flooded by the Neverseen early in the war, but Linh and a team of skilled Psionipaths, lead by Maruca, fixed it and now the city is being slowly filled with elves again.
When I say slowly, it's because we lost a lot of elves in the war. But I try not to think about that, mostly because I blame myself.
Right, back to the story.
Slurps and Burps re-opened, and it's now being run by Dex and his fiance, Nissa. Bex and Linh are working together in their therapy business.
I will say that I am a regular patient.
Everything was starting to run smoothly again in the Lost Cities. The Councilors were back on their thrones, this time paying a lot more attention to the people and their problems.
Then, everything we'd worked so hard to restore came crashing down again.
And that's just the beginning.
Now that you're caught up on the gap, let's fast forward to where this story starts, Ten years and three months after we won the Black War.
"Biana, do you know where I put Rex's book? He-- we can't find it anywhere."
"If you're the one who put it somewhere, shouldn't you be the one who knows where it is?" Her voice said from the kitchen. I resisted rolling my eyes to the sky.
"Do you know?"
"Of course I do."
Shuffling noises, and then Biana appeared around the corner, a worn book in her hand and more flower than what's required in a cake recipe in her hair.
"Thanks. And, you know you have--"
"Flour in my hair? Yes, I know," She finished with a smile, shaking some of it off onto me before disappearing back into the kitchen where she was making mallowmelt. Rex made a small annoyed sound from behind me.
I turned around and looked into his silvery-blue eyes.
"You and mom aren't supposed to do that next to me!" He complained. He wasn't truely angry though. His eyes were betraying joy.
"Oh yeah?" I said, bending down and scooping him up over my shoulder. "Try and stop me!"
Rex shrieked as I fireman carried him all over our house and then threw him into the ocean that was only a few feet from our doorstep.
"Dad! Now I'm all wet!" Rex shook the water out of his coffee brown hair while laughing.
"You can dry yourself, Mr. Guster."
Rex rolled his eyes and summoned wind to blow sand in my face before creating a whirlwind around himself to dry off.
Rex had manifested the day after his tenth birthday, which was only about three months ago. The earliest to manifest after Sophie.
You should've seen the look on her face when I told her.
Rex patted down his fluffed up hair and marched back into the house. I could hear Biana telling him to shake the sand off of his feet before going inside.
The only thing she didn't like about moving to Oceandawn was the sand. Well, that and she thought the house was too big. But then I told her it had a library and she was in.
We were happy living a normal life. Biana says she misses the adventure sometimes. I definitely don't. I'm just happy to be alive at this point. Sometimes, Biana and I go back to the grove behind Tiergans house just to try and imagine being teenagers again.
It never really works.
A flash of light caught my attention and turned me away from the ocean. Sophie glittered into view, wearing her Foxfire outfit.
No, she wasn't still going to Foxfire. She was running the place. Say hello to Dame Sencen, everyone.
Yup, she married Keefe after a few years of convincing and lots of dates.
You have no idea how many girls nights Sophie, Biana, Bex, and Nissa went on to convince Sophie to marry Keefe.
"Sophie, what are you doing here?"
She looked a little pale, and was frantically searching for a loose eye lash to tear out.
"I'll explain later. You and Biana need to come with me. You can bring Rex. Foxfire in ten minutes. Sorry!"
She leaped away again, leaving me stunned. I unfroze after a second and ran inside to get Biana and Rex.
"What did Sophie say?" Biana asked after I helped Rex find his other shoe.
"Nothing other than telling me to come to Foxfire with you and Rex. She seemed a little stressed."
"Well, that's reassuring."
Rex found his shoe underneath a pile of canvases on the floor of his room.
"Alright, let's go."
We leaped to Foxfire and barely wasted time trying to get to Sophie's office. It had been a while since i'd been through Foxfire's halls.
Everyone was already there when Biana, Rex, and I showed up. Dex, Nissa, Linh, Bex, Keefe and Juline and Edaline were gathered in Sophie's small office.
"Sophie, what's going on?" I asked, getting right to the point. She glanced at Keefe for confidence, then took a deep, shaky breath.
"Long story short, I just got word from the council that the humans started another World War. And the elves are caught right in the middle of it."
"And your point?" Bex wondered.
"We're going to have to evacuate the Lost Cities--again."

Trying to Survive Sucks: A Tiana KOTLC adventure.
FanfictionBOOK ONE Welcome to the aftermath of Tam's return at the end of Legacy, the eight Keeper of the Lost Cities Book by Shannon Messenger. Narrated by Tam and Biana as they finally form a relationship and are immediately attacked by the Neverseen, who t...