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Gow: Hello- Our creator isn't here this time since she um...

(Me offscreen: *whining abt gf and derpression)

Gow: ...Yeah. We do have a question from her girlfriend though, made long before she decided to take this break. Sonic, would you like to-?

Sonic: *yanks tablet* Francis_FanFictions asks- "Canon characters, where do you work/what do you do for a living?" Well- I personally do heroing stuff y'know- Saving the world?

Tails: I don't work anywhere currently, but I'm hoping to be very successful in the future!

Aaron: Oh, yay, you're looking to be successful- isn't everyone?

Elizabeth: Yeah- overused, much?

Tails: *ears droop* Sorry...

Gow/Ashtyn: *gives Aaron and Elizabeth a glare*

Amy: Well, I don't work anywhere right now, but it's my dream to open a Bakery some day.

Shadow: I work at G.U.N and my dream is to not work at G.U.N.

Rouge: ...Your dreams are valid-

Shadow: Thank you.

Rouge: I also work at G.U.N and would prefer to not.

Aaron: Then quit.

Shadow: It's not that simple. -_-

Aaron: Why not?

Gow: Why not you shut up?

Aaron: That doesn't even make any sense!

Gow: Your unattractiveness doesn't make any sense- how can you be a fox and look like a dumb ogre?

Aaron: "Unattractiveness". Such a big word for a small cub like yourself-

Gow: Unemployed, worthless-!

Aaron: The question wasn't FOR us!!

Gow: I only stated the truth!!

Ashtyn: Both of you, shut up!! Just accept that Gow is right and move on.

Aaron: Ugh, whate- WHAT?! She is NOT right!!

Gow: Yes I am. >:P

Aaron: >:P

Blaze: ...I am also unemployed.

Silver: I work at G.O.W. :3

EXE: I work at-

Paimon: Do you even count??

EXE: Well-... Did you say "Gow"-?

Silver: Yeah, my organization. :3

EXE: ...I'm sorry-??

Gow: Yeah, wait- hold the phone- your organization has the same name as me?? What's the full name?

Silver: Ghosts Of Worlds. :3

Gow: ...So it's spelt like my name too?

Silver: ...Yeaaaah-

Gow: EXCUSE me?! Is it named after me or something?! Do I even visit your dimension 200 years in the future-?

Silver: I haven't seen you, so I don't think it's named after you.

Gow: But-!

Sonic: It could be a coincidence.

Gow: Who comes up with "G.O.W"?!

Silver: My dad. :3

Gow: What's his name?

Silver: ...*shrugs*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27 ⏰

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