Cast member(s):
- Kolton Stewart
- Myles Erlick
- Briar Nolet
- Dylan McDonald
- Berkeley GerthPlot:
Myles is doing a gig, Kolton, Briar, Dylan and Berkeley are attending, all separately (the sisters as a pair). Does he spot them in the audience? Do they see each other? What does Briar think of her ex singing his new girlfriend love songs he wrote for her about her when he didn't specifically do that for herself? What does Kolton think of. Myles love songs as he's trying to plan a wedding. What do the sisters who are both married think? What does Myles do seeing them post online afterwards? Does Myles girlfriend Emily react to the fact her boyfriends ex is there listening to the love songs he wrote for her and not his ex who is there listening?-------------
(Myles Pov)
Today is gig day, I always love and hate gig day, love it coz music is my life and I can share it and physically see a impact, but hate it because I have to set up prior to sound check and by doing that it means I'm away from Emily and I love spending time with my girlfriend. Right now I'm eating breakfast before heading out to meet up with the band, Tysons here with me. We left Emily and Lauryn his girlfriend asleep in our beds and came to get our breakfasts. We eat while discussing the show..... you see even though Emily is older than Lauryn, Tysons proposing to her today at the gig. I'm so excited for my older brother and Lauryn, you see without Lauryn I most likely wouldn't have met Emily so I love Lauryn as a sister already, I always have but more so since she introduced Em and especially since me and Em got together. The ages from eldest to youngest goes Tyson, Me, Emily then Lau. Tyson's 3 years older than me, I'm a year older than Em and Em is a year older than Lau. Even though Lauryn and Briars sister are the same age, Briar didn't really get on with Lauryn which is why we only really got closer when I met Emily. We finish eating and head out to meet the band.
(Koltons pov)
Today me and Julie are going to a gig for a date night. She booked it and it's a surprise for me so I'm excited but nervous. Only info I have is 'you'll be proud to see them killing it' but that could mean anything right? Reason we are having this date night she's planned is because I've been so busy with working on a set while wedding planning that I'm stressed so she wants to treat me, she's adorable like that. She's got a good music taste so it shouldn't be too bad right? So yeah I'm excited for this gig date.
(Briars pov)
Today me, Kiara Zoe and Cierra along with after collecting him from the airport Jesse are going to a country gig. I'm unsure about the artist name but I love country so I'm cool with it. I love this little group of people I have supporting me, don't get me wrong I love my family and Colin but this group are all my best friends. I learnt in 2022 that couples no matter how much love they share can split, I mean look at me and Myles, and so with Colin I know we could possibly randomly split but I know for fact these girls and Jesse will have my back, so will my family so I'm glad and love them all. I am excited to go to a gig, I don't tend to go as they have flashing lights but apparently this artist has experience or epilepsy and so is conscious of this and so I feel like I will be fine.
(Berkeley's pov)
Me and Dylan are in Toronto having previously visited Alex C and are going to a gig just us sisters before heading back out to BC. It's actually Myles Erlick's gig so it's gonna be amazing for us, especially Dylan who's played a couple with him. We are excited as he's always been a phenomenal singer and from a quick glance at older previous gig videos in his tags he seems to be able to flip and does so in his gigs. That will be great for Dylan as she's always had a dance crush on him.

Cast alphabetical one shots (COMPLETE)
FanfictionHad this idea at 26 songs in Myles and Emily Song One Shots One shots of the tns cast members in alphabetical order A-Z Each chapter will be the letter of the Alphabet from A-Z Some cast might be repeated if we think of something that works Cou...