|October 5, 2024| ~Library or Forbidden~

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Day 5, Library or Forbidden

Hello! Welcome to day 5! I'll try to write more for today! If not I am sorry- but we are all here just to write. Write as much as you can in the day. To have fun and celebrate the growing world of the Steve realms through the creativity of everyone here, through drawings, stories, or private ideas you keep in your silly heads.

So just remember to have fun guys, that's what all of this is for. To have fun.

Today I am going into my version of villain au! Where Time becomes evil to stop the loops to save Sabre! :D This is his origin story.



I looked at the dimension I rest in. Elemental was gone, and Sabre wasn't here. It was just me. As always. It's been like this for a while. In the beginning, it is. The sounds of hundreds of clocks ticking simultaneously. The dark wood was carefully carved to spiral up. The ground was softly covered in gold carpet. Handing vines and growth grew around the highest points of my home. Leaf sat in a corner. Chewing on a large bone I got him.

I slipped away into a hidden room. A small library I kept away from the public's eye. A room filled with books forbidden to anyone else. I closed the small door behind me looking at all these books in glory. All of them are identical to each other in cover, size, and carved letters on the front. Books stacked to the feeling of the shelves. Each book is a loop I have taken track of. How perfect it was. How imperfect it was... Every detail is saved in these books.

The first shelf has about 234, the second a little less with only 196, and on the third shelf, I added myself with a heavy 327. The last shelf I added in the middle of the room currently only holds 178, but it was about to get one more in the collection. I grabbed the book with the marked carving of, 843. A new book I made once I was created in the loop once again. I took it. My hands before sitting down on a desk. Grabbing an old feather pen and dipping it into ink.

My hand glides along the fresh paper. Each word is written down with a gentle precision to not be misread with the deep black ink pool. I accounted for every detail of what went wrong, all the things that went well. A list of things to give to Sabre before he leaves to restart the loop once again. Some mistakes he can't help, so I keep them out. There are no major mistakes this time. A thankful relief on my end.

As I closed the book after writing my words my curiosity wandered as I looked at the other 824 books I had written. We are getting close to 1,000 now. I wonder how well the others are doing without me and Sabre. Are they living the best life that we all hope for? Or did they ruin it with someone else? Another problem they needed us to fix.

I guess that's their downfall then.

At least I am here to enjoy my favorite memories with Sabre here. Even if they are few, they are the ones in silence where we do not have to appear perfect in the loop. We can be different and simply talk. He always looks so happy when he talks.

I look forward to every meeting we share.

Standing back up I put the new book on the shelf. Soon I will be called to help fight against the first curse. It will be my second to last time here, the other time I come here is to take Leaf out. I just hope one of the leaders is taking care of future him well.

Me and Sabre get one more meeting together before I restart the loop. We can talk again, I'll comfort him in a quiet silence about how it will be okay. How I will come back again soon after to greet him again. As long as we keep these meetings up, there is no reason for us to snap. No reason for us to break apart and wish for more.


I run my hand against the hundreds of books I have. Each one retains details of mistakes, corrections, and rare improvements of our loop. So close to a thousand. I wonder if that is too many. Is there a way to reach too many? I doubt it. I will be fine.

But I'll ask Sabre the next time we meet up.

I felt a buzz in my pocket. Knowing I only had a few minutes left before I got to fight by his side again. I stepped out of my library. Hidden from all of them. I promise myself to never let anyone see this, not even my brother who has lived here for a short while.

Especially not Sabre.

I sealed the door behind me, which now looks empty of a door at all. I stepped to the center of the room raising my hand high above me. Right as the second strikes I meanly ready my small speech before appearing in front of the first curse again.

Here we go.
(Words 935) it's longer than last time so I call it a win! I am a bit sick right now so I am sorry if I have to keep this brief. I just can't do much about it. I hope you all enjoy it!

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