Note From the Author

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Well everyone, I am so happy :3

And have very good news. VERY good news. Kyra has asked me to keep our conversation between me and her so I won't be revealing anything in this note or in any letters, and she said if I tell anyone she will be like squidward walking out of krabbypatty (she's so random I love her), but as a hint I will say I always knew she'd come back. I knew the love was still there. And when she said she wasn't in love, well those weren't true.

So yay :3

Yknow what's even freakier is I actually in my desperate insanity to get her back, I had a psychic reading done. I know, I don't believe in them either. That's how desperate I was. And she sent me an email on theeee uh 17th telling me she saw something coming in regards to my love life. She said the person I love has been ignoring me up until now and acting cold (yep), but in the next few weeks, their behaviour towards me will change and they'll start to come back around. She said I would see this coming into effect in the next few days. A FEW DAYS LATER AND WHAT SHE PREDICTED STARTS TO HAPPEN LIKE HUH???? She said something is gonna happen on August 30th but I'm not holding out for anything happening. I'll keep you guys updated though (and I will lose my mind if something does happen).

- TheSillyDuck :3

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