this kids name will be dog cus his dad called him that one time in front of everyone and the I made fun of him for it (dw lol I didn't like legit bully him only partially)
so me and him have some background;
in 6th grade him and his friend would make fun of me, draw sharpie on my books, steal my sketchbooks and showcase them to everyone, trash my desk (which the teacher witnessed but made ME stay behind to clean it up cause she didn't like me for some unknown reason), make up embarrassing rumors about me, and the chased me in the woods while I ran across country practice.
Like they legit joined the cross country team at practice to chase me in the woods and block my path as I ran.
I hated it and it made me go all emo rebel mad at world and I may have cussed out the principle but that a story for a different time...hehehe....
Though they called me mareariah and would chant it at me when I walked around but I kinda liked it cus to strangers it just looked like I had a fan club of teenage boys following me. Also I don't get how that's offense. They just added rear to my name like what?... ok sure
SO FLASHFORWARD 8th grade he still likes to call me emo in class and occasionally the other guys will make some dumb comment in class but I honestly couldn't care less now. Cause they say that but when I talk to them one on one they talk like I'm just any other kid. Also they barely do it anymore it became like overused at some point and I don't acknowledge any of it.
anyways I'm really off track
so this kid,dog, well he does this thing at football games where he'll ask me for a high five and won't leave me alone till I give him one and all the frat boys cheer when I do. It's dumb but it's not like its annoying. And well I hate when ppl act like they don't like the attention of stuff like that when you all know they do so ya I did kinda like the attention. in my defense, ... I'm just a girl lol
He texts me occasionally and we've FaceTimed a few times (he made up an excuse as to why it was URGENT that I call him but we end up just talking)
he's your stereotypical white kid that grew up in a gated community and is now claiming their from the hood and in a gang and then says the n word cause they feel uncool being a sheltered rich kid.
this kid, I assume he was high, has accossionally said I was hot but the worst time was when he DMed me and called me "goth mommy"
........... erm what?
me and my friends stared in silence for so long lol.
He claims he has a gf now but turns out he lied (he lies all the time about random stuff) and it was his cousin.
Luckily I'm not in his class this year and I'm thinking if I keep ignoring him he'll realize im not gonna be "one of his bitches" cause I like nice nerdy guys not trynna be hood frat boys.
EWWWW I forgot to mention he makes this nasty jokes in class about me being an uwu cat girl on twitch and only fans and I told him to stop projecting and he didn't correct me that he was.
I feel unsafe. ew.
my life lol
Humorliterally my diary in cause you wanna read someone elses life for fun i'll use codenames lol so ya'll can vote on those in the comments