Taken ~part 2~

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Avi groaned as she slowly came to. She looked down at her wrists, which were tied up with a cloth. Her leg had finally stopped bleeding, but it still hurt to try to walk or stand on. She tried to reach for her boot. She had a knife stored inside for cases like this, just in case she had to fend off other raiders like at the farm. She winced as she turned her leg slightly to get a better grip, and she exhaled in relief when she got the handle intertwined in her fingers. But just as she was about to use it to cut her restraints, footsteps started coming from a damp tunnel in the cave she was being held in, and she slipped the knife into her pocket.

"I see you're awake." The man from before spoke. This time Avi could make out some distinct details in his face. His eyes were a piercing grey. His hair was a messy brunette, and just under his left eye was a scar, likely from a zombie attack that had gotten its nails into his cheek.

"Jay?" Avi asked in disbelief. Jay was a highschool friend of her brother. He'd come over a few times, never enough to really get to know him though.

"Glad to know you finally recognize me."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're immune to the virus. You were the talk of the town." He groaned in a sadistic tone. "I got sick and tired of it. Why did you and your brother have to be the ones that were immune?!" He snapped and ran a hand through his hair.

"We don't know why we were immune Jay, but if you wanted help-"

"My sister died in that evacuation because you two were the only lucky ones!" He shouted and punched her in the face. He grabbed her shirt and pulled her closer so their faces were almost inches apart. "You and Max are the reason she's dead..."

Avi froze and looked at Jay. His grief had tricked him into thinking she was the reason she died. "Jay, I had no part in Angie's death..."

"Bullshit!" He shouted and spat in her face, causing her to flinch as the saliva hit her cheek. He threw her to the ground and she cried out as she scraped up her arms.

"I didn't kill Angie, you need to understand that!"


He raised his foot to stomp on her, and Avi flipped open the pocket knife in her pocket, cutting her restraints and rolling out of the way. Jay pulled out his gun and Avi grabbed it, wrestling with him over it. The trigger went off and she was shot in the side, and she yanked it from his hands and started running. She ran outside. The wind was freezing, and her wound made it hard to keep her balance. She groaned slightly as she looked down at her side, her hand soaked in her own blood. She heard a helicopter blade whirring and she ran for the edge of whatever cliff jay had brought her to. She ducked when she heard gunshots behind her. The helicopter had to back up to avoid getting shot.

"Avi!" Danny shouted as he opened the copter door.

Avi turned around and faced Jay as he shot at her a couple more times. She raised her own gun and aimed it at him point blank.

"I don't wanna do this Jay. Don't make me do this, please." She begged him, her hands trembling.

But Jay wasn't to be convinced. He charged her and tackled her off the edge. Both of them struggled for the gun as they were falling, and Avi tried to point it at Jay. She closed her eyes as she pulled the trigger, and Jay's head exploded upon impact from the bullet. Danny grabbed her arm as Jay's body fell the remaining several feet down the cliff, and Avi clung to him in relief.

"You're ok... Thank God, don't ever scare me like that again..." Danny whispered as he held her close.

"Believe me... I have no intention to." She muttered as she sighed in relief from the adrenaline wearing off. "Let's go home."

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